
Welcome to our blog! Here we share ideas and new discoveries related to actively building an emerging more positive world. We also share about our personal experiences as we navigate these times of intense transformation.
We don’t need coercion, suppression, or war, but what we do need quickly is structure upon which to base our communities and ways of exchange. It is essential to replace systems and ways of being which are no longer in alignment with the frequencies of this planet, and are disintegrating with what we genuinely wish to support. Transitioning into new ways of living may come at great costs, or may happen seamlessly. It is up to us. Our task is to rebuild almost everything we need 🙂 – food systems, the way we deal with land, health services, trade systems, technologies … You are needed, and we are here to inspire.
We appreciate your contributions both, out in the world and in your local communities, as well as on this blog. We would like to invite you to share about your work and experiences here in this space in the form of a guest post, esp. if your business or initiative is already featured on this website. Simply click on the Contact Us button and let us know what you would like to share. Thank you for being here in these times!

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Wild living – Challenges & beauty

Jumping into a void of not-knowing is what I mean by wild living. Life looking one way today and being something entirely different tomorrow. Moving through places, communities, friendships and

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Zimbabwe – Gems of wisdom

Zimbabwe – the deep calling of the Earth that is visible in every aspect of life and aliveness: in people, lands, arts, speaking through trees and mountains, entering the feet

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