The Spiral Petroglyphs near Mindo, Ecuador – By Aspasia of Amate Anima
I’m writing this piece as I look at a very special mountain from my window here in Cotacachi. Its called Imbabura and its actually an inactive volcano in the North
Welcome to our blog! Here we share ideas and new discoveries related to actively building an emerging more positive world. We also share about our personal experiences as we navigate these times of intense transformation.
We don’t need coercion, suppression, or war, but what we do need quickly is structure upon which to base our communities and ways of exchange. It is essential to replace systems and ways of being which are no longer in alignment with the frequencies of this planet, and are disintegrating with what we genuinely wish to support. Transitioning into new ways of living may come at great costs, or may happen seamlessly. It is up to us. Our task is to rebuild almost everything we need 🙂 – food systems, the way we deal with land, health services, trade systems, technologies … You are needed, and we are here to inspire.
We appreciate your contributions both, out in the world and in your local communities, as well as on this blog. We would like to invite you to share about your work and experiences here in this space in the form of a guest post, esp. if your business or initiative is already featured on this website. Simply click on the Contact Us button and let us know what you would like to share. Thank you for being here in these times!
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I’m writing this piece as I look at a very special mountain from my window here in Cotacachi. Its called Imbabura and its actually an inactive volcano in the North
Jumping into a void of not-knowing is what I mean by wild living. Life looking one way today and being something entirely different tomorrow. Moving through places, communities, friendships and
Zimbabwe – the deep calling of the Earth that is visible in every aspect of life and aliveness: in people, lands, arts, speaking through trees and mountains, entering the feet
This text was first written for workaway, so we tried to define our values in a way that would be clear for that demographic. For a Sun Beings audience, many
As I write this post, I am sat in our new home in an off-grid village after life chose for me and my partner that we should move on from
I would like to share with you more about Zimbabwe, my impressions here, encounters with people, the lands, the projects. As time passes everything is gaining depth. Gold emerges in many
Now I have spent over one year in the Spanish Pyrenees, and recently my parents flew over from England to visit me and my partner, Owen, for 7 days. It
What to say when there is so much to share? Shall I tell you about the shower rock in the bush near the house to which we come every evening
Thought it was about time I did another update about my life up in the Pyrenees mountains in Spain. Sorry to say guys but even challenges can find you in
We are back as a team 🙂 and recorded another conversation. This time we dove into the power of trauma therapy based on Nicole’s very recent experiences – melting frozen
Travelling Spain for 2.5 months we (my friend Pigi and I) visited so many places – wild camping, our friends’ house, Workaway exchanges and a squat, across Spain … almost
Nicole and I had a fantastic conversation about letting go of financial collaborations which no longer feel in alignment, dealing with relationship and friendship in tumultuous times, and following internal
The pine tree seems to listen, the fir tree to wait: and both without impatience–they give no thought to the little people beneath them devoured by their impatience and their
Filming & photography: Pigi Irene Ilia & Kate PriestleyVideo editing: Pigi Irene IliaMusic by Owen Hanner – full song: see music video – website: www.owenhanner.com (recently redesigned by Kate) After almost two
Join me for a 2nd rich conversation with Nicole Gaillard, this time about how we stay on track and in our bodies with both feet on the ground in times
Nothing is more important in these times than the securing of our rights in alignment with who we as human beings are. While some societies, peoples and countries are celebrating
I’m writing this piece as I look at a very special mountain from my window here in Cotacachi. Its called Imbabura and its actually an
Jumping into a void of not-knowing is what I mean by wild living. Life looking one way today and being something entirely different tomorrow. Moving
Zimbabwe – the deep calling of the Earth that is visible in every aspect of life and aliveness: in people, lands, arts, speaking through trees
This text was first written for workaway, so we tried to define our values in a way that would be clear for that demographic. For
As I write this post, I am sat in our new home in an off-grid village after life chose for me and my partner that
I would like to share with you more about Zimbabwe, my impressions here, encounters with people, the lands, the projects. As time passes everything is
Now I have spent over one year in the Spanish Pyrenees, and recently my parents flew over from England to visit me and my partner,
What to say when there is so much to share? Shall I tell you about the shower rock in the bush near the house to
Thought it was about time I did another update about my life up in the Pyrenees mountains in Spain. Sorry to say guys but even
We are back as a team 🙂 and recorded another conversation. This time we dove into the power of trauma therapy based on Nicole’s very
Travelling Spain for 2.5 months we (my friend Pigi and I) visited so many places – wild camping, our friends’ house, Workaway exchanges and a
Nicole and I had a fantastic conversation about letting go of financial collaborations which no longer feel in alignment, dealing with relationship and friendship in
The pine tree seems to listen, the fir tree to wait: and both without impatience–they give no thought to the little people beneath them devoured
Filming & photography: Pigi Irene Ilia & Kate PriestleyVideo editing: Pigi Irene IliaMusic by Owen Hanner – full song: see music video – website: www.owenhanner.com (recently redesigned
Join me for a 2nd rich conversation with Nicole Gaillard, this time about how we stay on track and in our bodies with both feet
Nothing is more important in these times than the securing of our rights in alignment with who we as human beings are. While some societies,
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