ART – Quebec, Canada ~ Acrylic painter specialised in highly alive animal portraits which convey the deep connectedness to
We want this website to be alive and ever-changing together with current happenings on this planet. Hence we will keep adding businesses, initiatives and organisations to the main platform and remove what no longer feels aligned. Here in the archive you can search the entire platform by geographic region/country, by business category, or by business category and country. This is to make it easier for you to find what you need. We will do our best to keep all links up to date. If you find a link which no longer works, we much appreciate if you take the time to send us a note and let us know. Sunbeings.org is a community endeavor. Thank you so much for being part of it!
ART – Quebec, Canada ~ Acrylic painter specialised in highly alive animal portraits which convey the deep connectedness to
ART – Massachusetts, USA ~ Cultural cooperative & multi-genre ensemble collective. Place of continuous experimentation & risk taking which
ART – Germany & Zimbabwe ~ Fairtrade, hand-made sculptural Shona art incl. recycled metal & stone sculptures & garden
ART – USA ~ Recognising art & creativity as a fundamental requirement for wellbeing & expression of humanness. Developing
ART – Dem. Rep. Congo ~ Quality story-telling. Deep, meaningful, honest stories which harness histories of place, tradition &
ART – Portugal & Netherlands ~ Wonderful visual artist – glass art, woodcuts, lino, paper & bronze installations, bronze
ART – Sweden ~ Living impressive, colourful illustrations with ink pen, water colour, or pencil crayons. Inspired by nature’s
ART – Ácoma Pueblo, New Mexico, USA ~ Incredible handmade & hand-painted indigenous pottery: figurines, other clay artwork, different
ART – International ~ Vibrant art community – a birthplace & platform for re-rising from the ashes of human
ART – Sugpiaq/Alutiiq, Alaska, USA ~ Incredible Alutiiq artist, telling stories through painting & prints, creating colouring books with line
ART – Ireland ~ Incredible handmade felt art inspired by nature, capturing rugged Irish landscapes & living creativity every
ART – England, UK ~ Beautiful, unique art made from felted sheep wool, ethical fleece, beads, sequins, wire, stitching.
ART – Australia ~ Ethical, fair, authentic artworks from aboriginals of all ages, walks of life & beliefs >
ART – Ontario, Canada ~ Incredible, unique truly fairtrade, authentic indigenous artwork, incl. sculptures from soapstone or scrape metal,
ART – Canada ~ Inuit-led foundation supporting & empowering incredible Inuit artists of all media across Canada by making
ART – USA, Ireland, Germany & Portugal ~ Platform for membership based business for artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, communities,
ART – UK & Spain ~ Amazing art, writing, and design rooted in embodying nature, living one’s own truth
ART – Oregon, USA ~ Fine arts supplies, face paints & children’s art supplies, incl. natural earth & mineral
Our donation model
We envision a change towards gift economies rooted in the very same ways in which nature operates. Our donation model is based on these principles. If you like this website which is a gift from us to you, fueled by endless hours of connecting with people, businesses and initiatives, please take a look at our Donation page to find out how you can reciprocate, or pass on that gift. Or, if you already know our model and would like to be part of it in a monetary way, you can go straight to Donate below. Thank you!
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