ConnectIn Groups & Tiltawein Siwa
EDUCATION – Egypt & Netherlands ~ Women empowerment, youth English & IT training, quality kindergarden in remote Siwa Oasis.
We want this website to be alive and ever-changing together with current happenings on this planet. Hence we will keep adding businesses, initiatives and organisations to the main website while removing previous ones to avoid overwhelm and overly long and complex pages. In the archive you can continue to access what has been removed from the main website plus what is currently on the website. You can search the entire platform by country, by category or by category and country. We will do our best to keep all links up to date. If you find a link which no longer works, we would appreciate if you can take the time to send us an email and let us know. It’s a community project and will become so even more in the future. Thank you so much for being part of it!
EDUCATION – Egypt & Netherlands ~ Women empowerment, youth English & IT training, quality kindergarden in remote Siwa Oasis.
ART – Portugal & Netherlands ~ Wonderful visual artist – glass art, woodcuts, lino, paper & bronze installations, bronze
ABUNDANCE TECHNOLOGY – Netherlands & worldwide ~ International network for education about & facilitation of cutting-edge, abundance-based, zero-emissions energy
ABUNDANCE TECHNOLOGY – Netherlands ~ Research, networking & education around free/etherial energy technologies, tapping into the Earth’s electromagnetic fields.
ECONOMIES OF CARE – France, Benelux, Quebec ~ Decentralized currency of abundance for exchange of goods, services & information,
CLOTHING – Netherlands ~ From 30-70% silk-sheep wool underwear to 100% woolen beanies. A complete garderobe full of durable,
REVIVING & PROTECTING LIFE – Netherlands ~ Technology for cleaning full width & depth of rivers from plastic pollution
REVIVING & PROTECTING LIFE – Netherlands ~ Removing floating plastic from the ocean which would otherwise be trapped in
REVIVING & PROTECTING LIFE – Netherlands, Europe ~ Rewilding 15 European landscapes – allowing natural forest regeneration by reducing
NATURAL HOMES – Denmark & Netherlands ~ Specialised in natural building materials, esp. seaweed, seagrass & kelp, merging old
EDUCATION – Netherlands & worldwide ~ Free education program called Cult-ED, allowing young people to travel digitally to other
ECONOMIES OF CARE – Netherlands & worldwide ~ Social entrepreneurship network based on honouring social & international rights &
DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY – Netherlands ~ Circular Telecom & IT company offering preventive replacement maintenance & refurbishing services. Collect old
DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY – Netherlands ~ Phones designed for longevity, easy repair & made with more and more responsibly mined
COMMUNITY & COMMUNICATION – Netherlands & worldwide ~ Support indigenous communities worldwide, raise awareness, show strength & beauty of
Our donation model
We envision a change towards gift economies rooted in the very same ways in which nature operates. Our donation model is based on these principles. If you like this website which is a gift from us to you, fueled by endless hours of connecting with people, businesses and initiatives, please take a look at our Donation page to find out how you can reciprocate, or pass on that gift. Or, if you already know our model and would like to be part of it in a monetary way, you can go straight to Donate below. Thank you!
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