Earth’s history – A bipolarity

On this page I would like to raise some questions which should be blatantly obvious, and in the face of every human being, but strangely this is not so. I present pieces of a different version of human history than is being thought by our education systems, and broadcast by most media. I invite you to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. No one person has a complete picture of Earth’s history but clearly some views never make it into the media or curricula despite significant scientific and historical evidence. This page intends to give glimpses of insight, rather than presenting a complete story. It would take books to do so, and the information necessary to fill many gaps is out there, and inside you. All it takes is the courage to look. You will find what you need and you will remember – knowing form the inside out. Recognizing truth. Leaving behind doubt. Being human.

The questions I would like to inspire you to look at surround for example the magnitude of medical, societal, political and economic experimentation on this planet, the prevalence of pedophilia, dependency on money, and never-ending wars. Why do truly transformative technologies never make it to the market? Why are human beings, and our societies getting sicker despite the large extend of scientific medical and pharmaceutical research, and the constant introduction of new ‘solutions’?

Two paths

Going deeper – Why is there a synthetic opposite to almost everything natural despite myriad studies describing harmful effects of the former? Why are not only machines, but now increasingly AI replacing our natural abilities and skills to an ever larger degree? Have we voted for this? Have we been asked for consent? Wouldn’t democracy imply that we have a voice?

Table 1: Synthetic versus Nature

Some examples…

Natural, nourishing foods with all the proven healing effects they induce

Chemical & lab-grown replacements incl. artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavours, stabilisers, lab- grown meat, genetically modified plants & animals etc.

Thriving organic permaculture farms which resemble, reflect & amplify nature

Chemical farming industry leaving behind degraded & destroyed lands, animals & waters

Natural, holistic medicines & medical technologies which harness Nature

Chemical symptom-suppressing pharmaceuticals, highly invasive surgery

Plant-based paints & dyes

Chemical paints, off-gassing toxic substances

Natural fibers for clothing e.g. cotton, hemp

Synthetic fibers e.g. polyesters & nylon which effect lungs & blood system

Natural, breathable building materials e.g. clay, hemp, wood, stone, straw, dried palm leaves

Toxic, harmful replacements incl. lead, PVC, asbestos, fiberglass, concrete

Natural skills to navigate, move, memorise etc.

Technical replacements e.g. smartphones, navigation devices etc.

Etherial electricity / free energy

Electric grids run on fossil fuels etc. with ever increasing prices

Natural seismic & volcanic activity

Weaponized scalar wave technology

Natural weather & climate

Geoengineering / weather manipulation

Interconnectedness of humans via water & electromagnetic fields

Dependency on internet, radio, TV…

Universal communication / animal communication

Reliance solely on hijacked verbal languages – separating peoples

Why is it that peoples whose lives and traditions are embedded in nature are continuously experiencing high levels of violence such as epidemic-level abduction of children & young women, mass-sterlisation, mass-incarceration, high levels of exposure to industrial pollution, poverty, removal from homelands, taking away of basic human rights and needs? This includes almost all of the worlds indigenous peoples. About 370 million indigenous people, living across 90 countries, accounting for < 5% of the world’s population, represent 15% of the poorest people but protect over 80% of the world’s biodiversity, speak an overwhelming majority of the world’s ~7000 languages and represent ~5000 diverse cultures often still very distinct from dominant societies. Do you realise the importance of indigenous peoples related to the history of this planet? Have you ever learned about indigenous history at school? Why not?

What does it mean to be non-indigenous? If not indigenous, then where do Caucasian people come from?

Why is there such a high level of destruction of all types of natural habitats and ecosystems when there are thousands of books filled with solutions, and millions of people actively working towards sustainability since decades and via diverse avenues? There is something fundamentally wrong. Isn’t that obvious?

Why are there people who easily recognise truth without doubt, easily find their way in a maze of possibilities, are quite healthy, experience reversed aging without effort, are confident and stand strong in their own knowing, and on the other hand people who need to be told what to do, repeat what they hear without questioning, can’t see and don’t understand the contradictions of this world, struggle with ever more disease and seem to always be challenged even with what is simple and easy to sort out and navigate for others?

Because some people operate from a high level of humanness, have incredible abilities and currently experience a tremendous transformation of their biology in alignment with nature-driven frequency changes on this planet, and other people have become so affected by synthetic ways of being that their biology is corrupted, cannot upgrade, or does so very slowly, and is disconnected from nature to a large extent. These people cannot hear themselves but are run by the same principles as those beings which used to run this planet (see below). They do not understand nature well, in fact often fear nature, cannot see what is happening on this planet and often struggle with one health issue after the other because the mix of their remaining naturalness with synthetic influences cause their body and their whole being to malfunction. The two are in constant disagreement – mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and beyond. The outcome is inner turmoil at all these levels.

While those who act from their connectedness with nature experience a revival of innately human abilities such as instant materialisation of what is required to fulfill one’s needs, telepathic abilities rooted in true human connectedness, a multi-dimensional way of living, and increasing memory of the history of this planet form the inside out, others live in constant scarcity, fear, ill-health, doubt and confusion.

Interdimensional beings – Brutal realities

There are forms of intelligence on Earth which do not respond to the laws of Nature that govern life on this planet. This includes a technologically advanced non-natural/synthetic race which has been here for millennia – beings who have their own ideas about the future of nature, including humanity. It is a race which is not native to this planet, and does not understand life because it operates based on completely different principles. These interdimensional beings are constantly initiating and driving the creation of synthetic counterparts to nature in an attempt to control life, and to make this planet suitable for their needs. These beings brought with them the idea and technologies of corporate control, genetic control via royal bloodlines and DNA manipulation, mind control, emotional control and to ever increasing levels control over our physical bodies. We accepted their suggestions which often reached us via mental infiltration, reflecting the technological sophistication of that other race.

Two realities side by side, merged to some extent in a dysfunctional way, and quickly separating. The non-human one is leaving while the original, indigenous life force is quickly re-emerging from its very suppressed state. Suppression only works for so long. Hence everything which is hooked in with this non-natural race Is surfacing, the attempt to coerce is at its peak as that interdimensional, non-human race is trying to stay in control. We have let it come to this point, mainly through a lack of questioning this world, the ways in which our societies and institutions function, how our very biology works, and what it means to be human.

While currently there is no human being on this planet which is unaffected by synthetic technology and transhumanism, some are quickly purifying these influences out of their system while others are on a fast track to no longer being human at all. We are fed with narratives which attempt to make us believe that we are inherently bad, wars cannot be avoided, being alive means suffering, we have to compete for resources because scarcity is natural, we tend to self-destruct etc. Is this really so? What do you feel when asked these questions?

Many indigenous peoples are aware of the presence of these interdimensional beings in one way or another since a very long time because their stories which are passed on from generation to generation contain the information. Could that be why these peoples and their traditional ways of being and knowing are so targeted? Why we are not supposed to focus on indigenousness, their stories and histories, why we don’t learn about them at school, why they are forced to live in isolated, often remote reservations, why they are constantly attacked from many angles?

A useful account of interdimensional beings can be found in Carlo Castaneda’s Mud Shadows. Here is a link to a page which shares the relevant excerpt: There are many more accounts since these beings are often quite visible and otherwise palpable – yet rarely recognised for what they are. Sometimes we can see them as shadows out of the corner of our eyes, or feel them when they infiltrate our system. They may briefly pop up on the screens of electronic devices just to disappear as fast as they came. People connect with them and experience them as disembodied entities that one can communicate with, even connect with for healing sessions, or via channeling (not all channeling).

Let’s return to the origin of Caucasian people. They seem to be nowhere at home. Everywhere on Earth white people have decimated indigenous tribes and took over their lands, in some areas like western Europe to the extent that indigenousness has almost fully vanished. Where do they come from? What if war and disease/epidemics are a possibility to end something which does no longer work from the perspective of an elite – a way to start all over again, in a certain geographic region, or worldwide (like a medical war)? Some wars are discussed in great detail by main media, while others are never mentioned – why? Perhaps we are fed very specific narratives. What does that imply?

The genetically engineered human – A different history

Humans are a deliberate genetic fusion of chimpanzee DNA with early indigenous human genetic material, and … interdimensional, non-natural beings, created by … interdimensional beings. Genetic science has long revealed the fusion point in our DNA, but only certain research outcomes make it into the news, or the wider public debate. It’s a genetic experiment which has been repeated over and over in the history of this planet. One batch created, then wiped out and a new one introduced. Hence the cycles of mysteriously appearing and vanishing human civilisations and peoples over thousands of years. This is also why we still look the same way we did 200000 years ago. Research suggests that our anatomy has not changed since earliest fossil records. Human language was created, and eventually replaced universal communication to a large extent. Gregg Braden has summarised much underlying research in an understandable way in chapter 2 of his book Human by Design. Also see the reference list in the end of this page for evidence provided by numerous scientists.

As archaeologists and historians have pointed out time and again many of these past human civilisations still had advanced biological abilities and technologies, and lived very differently from us. Only recently has this planet experienced a substantial downgrade in frequency, effecting all life on this planet. Concurrently we have lost many of our abilities. The connection between Earth and sky has been severely manipulated and diminished in a multitude of ways – frequency shielding, the cutting down of trees, interference via large metal structures etc. We entered into cyclic short lives with extreme focus on, and identification with the physical body. In an attempt to regain lost bio-technological skills and features we began to invent downgraded technologies, meant to copy nature, which pollute and destroy this planet and and its living beings. A path of self-destruction – as this merging of nature and other is not sustainable on any level of existence. The latest batches of human beings are increasingly white-skinned and carried more features of interdimensional beings than previous more indigenous ones at the time of their introduction. These white-skinned humans began to destroy what was left of nature, including the peoples which can still recall the history of this planet and know how the natural world operates.

However in these times all of us are either transforming, or leaving. Positive beings of high frequency who have come here for this planetary transformation live in all types of bodies. They end extremely destructive family lines, spear-head bio-physical upgrades and turn the interdimensional genetic experiment upside down. No one is excluded anymore. It is impossible to tell who is what on the basis of physical appearance. We have to leave behind our prejudices and judgment of one another, in full recognition of the past, taking on full responsibility for what has happened on this planet, the damage which has been done, and move forward in a completely different way, charting ever new grounds in a world that we wish to see. Past are the times of external dictation of stereotypical societies which we are supposed to fit into.

Genetic engineering technology is highly advanced on this planet. The technological recreation of human beings is easy and is done often – a synthetic copy based on the natural model. This is a reality we should be aware of. Question this world deeply and you will see for yourself if you have not done so yet. Our reality is one of many layers. Many technologies which scientists are exploring and experimenting with at infancy stages are well developed behind these official scenes.

So-called free data and video sharing platforms, free social media, email platforms etc. are continuously harvested for data about the emotional, mental and spiritual functioning of human beings. Why would these platforms be free in a world in which everything is tied into the financial system? Medical and pharmaceutical science and experimentation constitute the physical counterpart. What does all of this say about science – a delivery system of lacking information to an elite to then be used against us it seems, does it not? Do we want to be slaves to a synthetic elite, or do we want to be human? Time to decide, act, transform…

On the About page of this website I wrote that 90% of what we know is leaving. Can you see why? It is up to us to stand up in courage, look deeply at what is happening on this planet, and find out what our personal roles are in these times of transformation. What would you like to take into the future? What would you like to build? How do you want to live? Is that what you are choosing and supporting in everyday life? The future of our communities, of our children is in our hands. If we embody Nature, if we stop giving our power away to external entities, and step into our own wisdom, knowledge and skill, using our potential as natural beings, then we are held and catapulted forward in the most incredible ways. Don’t throw life away by silently agreeing to a synthetic reality.

Harvesting YOU

The slavery I just described is neither limited to the digital world, nor to genetic experimentation and manipulation. That non-natural race – it needs your light to survive. What happens when an inherently natural celestial body like the Earth, which functions based on very clear settings and light technologies, becomes invaded by something other than that, something which does not know life, is not of Nature? That other intelligence has a hard time surviving because it clashes with the already existing web of structural and functional frameworks. For example interdimensional beings and human-appearing beings who are hooked into their technologies like it dark and damp, but the Earth is a planet of light. The two don’t go together. Certain forms of light which that non-natural race does not have access to are needed to survive on this planet.

Places of great excitement, pleasure and open energy fields lend themselves to the harvest of our life force – the Colosseum used to be such a location, brothels, the Oktoberfest, movie theaters – you are getting the picture. Alcohol, shamanic plant medicines, sex and ecstasy open the human electromagnetic and light field into full alignment with Earth’s body – meeting Nature at the deepest level – a process which is easily exploited by a technologically advanced race in dire need of light. Invasion happens when one is not fully rooted in the body. Suddenly a healthy human being begins to not only feel drained – fatigue and exhaustion have become a pandemic for a reason – but to respond more to external influences and suggestions than to their own wisdom. What should be life-enhancing becomes destructive.

Here is also the link to the prevalence of pedophilia on this planet. The younger the child the more light can be harvested. On the superficial layer the external power structures on Earth (by this I mean external to Nature) are determined by money, but money is only the tool. Once people are addicted to, or dependent on the financial system, then money is a means to coerce, to direct, to kill. Aware of this non-natural race are, of course, those people who directly collaborate with it – a world of blood ritual, human and animal sacrifice, pedophilia, extreme violence, cannibalism, black magic. The internet and media are full of information about that other force – some correct, some ludicrous. If you are deeply and determinedly connected with your own source of wisdom and life, then you are able to discern, always.

Thank you for looking at what no one wants to see.

On a planet of light, ultimately run by Nature, an invasion can only go so far. Life pushes back: the life in us, the aliveness of the Earth, the sentience of all living beings.

Your signal – Waking up the world

If you have read to this point and are still with me to some extent, then you are one of the people who are transforming this world. It takes a certain something to look that deeply, to be open to the more hidden layers of the history of Earth and humanity. Your body is much more than a physical lump of bones and flesh. Every single living being is an emitter and receiver of sound and light signals of a specific frequency range. These signals have a direct effect on your DNA which changes and rewrites itself all the time. There is nothing fixed, or stagnant about the DNA. It is as alive as our whole being.

People, animals – all living beings close to you pick up on your signal at the body level – often not so much consciously – and adjust to match, at least for the time of physical or emotional proximity. Hence if you operate within a high, positive frequency range, you uplift and transform everything around you. Your reality changes. Vice versa we continuously receive the signals of others which too have an effect on our DNA. Substantially lower signals emerging from your environment can wear you down after a while, possibly causing a downshift of your personal frequency emission. This is why boundaries are so important. The frequency range of signals that can be experienced on this planet is large.

If you live in alignment with Nature, and hence your personal wisdom, then the purity of your signal can have a multitude of effects on people close to you – incl. physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and beyond. There may be upheaval as stuff which is not in alignment with Nature’s ways of functioning comes up. This goes both ways. Often we lack alignment in different areas of life and hence trigger each other, wake each other up, and bring each other into full synchronicity with Nature.

What you build matters

What you say and build not only shows who your are, but it changes reality on this planet, for better or worse. If you courageously walk your path based on your knowing rather than dictated by external systems, then – in these times of transformation – you continuously create new pathways which others can then pick up on and adjust to their local and personal circumstances – others following you in a healthy, non-manipulative way, based on their internal promptings – a way which is exciting, enhancing, and not draining. This is true support. In this way we constantly cooperate, ever-connected, never alone.
I would like to share a quote from a scientific paper called ‘The language of our DNA – Scalar energy.’ (full citation below):
“… thought guided by clear intention produces organized information within the personal morphogenetic field manifestation blueprint resulting in efficient manifestation and materialization potentiality.”
Thoughts set the stage. Speaking about an intention deepens the process of materialisation. To then act towards that same direction clearly and determinedly does the rest. Magic happens, well magic to us since we have functioned on a lowered frequency range and a synthetically downgraded biology for too long. If your words match your actions, and are rooted in your personal wisdom, then you can materialise anything. No wobbling back and forth, but clear direction. I think all of us have experienced this. It highlights both our responsibility and potential, if we actually biologically function soundly – in the way which is natural for human beings.

Want to read more?

Check out the ‘Being human’ page, or the blog post ‘Radically being oneself’.


The references below are by no means meant to be a complete list. Rather they are snapshots of different fields of scientific exploration which may give substance to my claims above, but more so to provide a foundation from which you can research and explore on your own – by exploration I mean the reactions of your body signals to what is presented as well as intellectual contemplation. Your personal means of recognising what is true and what is not are always more valuable than written words.

Human genetics & origin

Braden, G. (2017): Human by design: From evolution by chance to transformation by choice. Hay House Inc.

Enard, W.; Przeworski, M.; Fisher, S.E.; Lai, C.S.L.; Wiebe, V.; Kitano, T.; Monaco, A.P.; Pääbo, S. (2002): Molecular evolution of FOXP2, a gene involved in speech and language. Nature, 418(6900): 869-872.

ETC Group (2007): Extreme genetic engineering: An Introduction to Synthetic Biology. Action group on erosion, technology and concentration.

Fan, Y.; Linardopoulou, E.; Friedman, C.; Williams, E.; Trask, B.J. (2002): Genomic structure and evolution of the ancestral chromosome fusion site in 2q13–2q14.1 and paralogous regions on other human chromosomes. Genome Research, 12,1651–1662.

Foley, R. (1998): The context of human genetic evolution. Genome Research, 8: 339-347.                                              

Hillier, L.W. et al. (2005): Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of human chromosomes 2 and 4. Nature, 434(7): 724-731.

Hubisz, M.J.; Williams, A.L.; Siepel, A. (2020): Mapping gene flow between ancient hominins through demography-aware inference of the ancestral recombination graph. PLoS Genet, 16(8): e1008895.

Ijdo, J.W; Baldini, A.; Ward, D.C.; Reeders, S.T.; Wells, R.A. (1991): Origin of human chromosome 2: An ancestral telomere-telomere fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 88: 9051-9055.

Stankiewicz, P. (2016) One pedigree we all may have come from – Did Adam and Eve have the chromosome 2 fusion? Molecular Cytogenetics, 9(72). 

Light harvesting technology

Like any technology, the findings shared in the following papers can be used in a multitude of ways – positive and exploitative. It may require some thought to see how these technologies can be used for light harvesting of human beings, but I want to leave that part to you.

Bösch, C.D.; Jevric, J.; Bürki, N.; Probst, M.; Langenegger, S.M.; Häner, R. (2018): Supramolecular assembly of DNA-phenanthrene conjugates into vesicles with light-harvesting properties. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 29(5): 1505-1509.

DiSalvo, G.M.; Robinson, A.R.; Aly, M.S.; Hoglund, E.R.; O’Malley, S.M.; Griepenburg, J.C. (2020): Polymersome poration and rupture mediated by plasmonic nanoparticles in response to single-pulse irradiation. Polymers, 12: 2381.

Mothersill, C.; Le, M.; Rusin, A.; Seymour, C. (2019): Biophotons in radiobiology: Inhibitors, communicators and reactors. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, (2019): 1-6.    

Williams, G.O.S.; Euser, T.G.; Russell, P.S.J.; Jones, A.C. (2013): Spectrofluorimetry with attomole sensitivity in photonic crystal fibres. Methods of Applied Fluorescence, 1: 015003.

Woller, J.G.; Hannestad, J.K.; Albinsson, B. (2013): Self-assembled nanoscale DNA−porphyrin complex for artificial light harvesting. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135 (7): 2759-2768.    

Climate change, geoengineering & importance of CO2/carbon for life

CLINTEL (continuously updated): World Climate Declaration – There is no climate emergency.

Davis, J. (2017): The relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global temperature for the last 425 million years. Climate, 5: 76.

Easterbrook, D.J. (2011): Geologic evidence of recurring climate cycles and their implications for the cause of global climate changes – The past is the key to the future. Evidence-Based Climate Science, Elsevier Inc.: 3-51.

Geoengineering Monitor – a joint project of Biofuelwatch, ETC Group & Heinrich Boell Foundation.

Lindzen, R.S. (2019): On climate sensitivity. CO2 Coalition of climate scientists and energy economists. 2nd edition. 

Rörsch, A.; Courtney, R.S.; Thoenes, D. (2005): Global warming and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere – A Critical Consideration of the Evidence. Energy & Environment, 16(1): 101-125.

Marohasy, J. (2020): Climate change: The facts  2020. Institute of Public Affairs and Australian Scholarly Publishing.

Wallace, J.P. III; D’Aleo, J.S.; Idso, C.D. (2017): On the validity of NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU Global Average Surface Temperature data & the validity of EPA’s CO2 Endangerment Finding. Abridged Research Report. HAARP: Weather Control – Is the HAARP project a weather control weapon? Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service (PEERS).

Never-ending genocides & femicides on indigenous peoples

Human Rights Monitor (2023): Destroy them first… discuss human rights later: An investigation of Indonesian Security Forces’ operations in Papua’s Kiwirok under international law. Human Rights News, Reports / Indonesia, International Law, West Papua

Human Rights Watch (2021): Break their lineage, break their roots” – China’s crimes against humanity targeting Uyghurs and other Turkic muslims. Report in collaboration with Stanford Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinic.

Lawrence, J. (2000): The Indian Health Service and the sterilization of Native American women. American Indian Quarterly, 24(3): 400-419. 

Mao, F. (2021): Why Aboriginal people are still dying in police custody. BBC News, Sydney.

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (2019): Reclaiming power and place. Final Report, Volume 1a, Canada.

Ntanyoma, D.R.; Hintjens, H. (2021): Expressive violence and the slow genocide of the Banyamulenge of South Kivu. Sage Journals, 22(3).

Pisoners’ Legal Services (2023): The mass incarceration of indigenous people. Information sheet, Canada’s Fourth Universal Periodic Review.

Scheidel, A.; Fernandez-Llamazares, A.; Bara, A. et al. (2023): Global impacts of extractive and industrial development projects on Indigenous Peoples’ lifeways, lands, and rights. Science Advances, 9(23).

Light & sound biology               

Bischof, M. (2005): Biophotons – The light in our cells. Journal of Optometric Phototherapy, 15: 1-5.

Bordoni, B.; Marelli, F.; Morabito, B.; Sacconi, B. (2018): Emission of biophotons and adjustable sounds by the fascial system: Review and reflections for manual therapy. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 23: 1-6.

Cohen, S.; Popp, F.A. (1997): Biophoton emission of the human body. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 40: 187-189.   

Hamouda, S.; Khalifa, N.; Belhasan, M. (2018): Bio-photon research and Its applications: A review. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations, 6(1): 35-46.

Rahnama, M.; Tuszynski, J.A.; Bókkon, I.; Cifra, M.; Sardar, P.; Salari, V. (2011): Emission of mitochondrial biophotons and their effect on electrical activity of membrane via microtubules. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 10(1): 65-88.

Rivera-Dugenio, J. (2019): The language of our DNA – Scalar energy. International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, 3(3): 173-177.

Sarich, C (2016): Biophoton theory: German scientists discover light shatters cancerous cells & other diseases. The Mind Unleashed.

Two paths

Why is there a synthetic opposite to almost everything natural despite myriad studies describing harmful effects of the former? Why are not only machines, but now increasingly AI replacing our natural abilities and skills to an ever larger degree? Have we voted for this? Have we been asked for consent? Wouldn’t democracy imply that we have a voice?

Table 1: Synthetic versus Nature

Some examples…

Natural, nourishing foods with all the proven healing effects they induce

Chemical & lab-grown replacements incl. artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavours, stabilisers, lab- grown meat, genetically modified plants & animals etc.

Thriving organic permaculture farms which resemble, reflect & amplify nature

Chemical farming industry leaving behind degraded & destroyed lands, animals & waters

Natural, holistic medicines & medical technologies which harness Nature

Chemical symptom-suppressing pharmaceuticals, highly invasive surgery

Plant-based paints & dyes

Chemical paints, off-gassing toxic substances

Natural fibers for clothing e.g. cotton, hemp

Synthetic fibers e.g. polyesters & nylon which effect lungs & blood system

Natural, breathable building materials e.g. clay, hemp, wood, stone, straw, dried palm leaves

Toxic, harmful replacements incl. lead, PVC, asbestos, fiberglass, concrete

Natural abilities to navigate, move, memorise etc.

Technical replacements e.g. smartphones, navigation devices etc.

Etherial electricity / free energy

Electric grids run on fossil fuels etc. with ever increasing prices

Natural seismic & volcanic activity

Weaponized scalar wave technology

Natural weather & climate

Geoengineering / weather manipulation

Interconnectedness of humans via water & electromagnetic fields

Dependency on internet, radio, TV…

Universal communication / animal communication

Reliance solely on hijacked verbal languages – separating peoples

Why is it that peoples whose lives and traditions are embedded in nature are continuously experiencing high levels of violence such as epidemic-level abduction of children & young women, mass-sterlisation, mass-incarceration, high levels of exposure to industrial pollution, poverty, removal from homelands, taking away of basic human rights and needs? This includes almost all of the worlds indigenous peoples. About 370 million indigenous people, living across 90 countries, accounting for < 5% of the world’s population, represent 15% of the poorest people but protect over 80% of the world’s biodiversity, speak an overwhelming majority of the world’s ~7000 languages and represent ~5000 diverse cultures often still very distinct from dominant societies. Do you realise the importance of indigenous peoples related to the history of this planet? Have you ever learned about indigenous history at school? Why not?

What does it mean to be non-indigenous? If not indigenous, then where do Caucasian people come from?

Why is there such a high level of destruction of all types of natural habitats and ecosystems when there are thousands of books filled with solutions, and millions of people actively working towards sustainability since decades and via diverse avenues? There is something fundamentally wrong. Isn’t that obvious?

Why are there people who easily recognise truth without doubt, easily find their way in a maze of possibilities, are quite healthy, experience reversed aging without effort, are confident and stand strong in their own knowing, and on the other hand people who need to be told what to do, repeat what they hear without questioning, can’t see and don’t understand the contradictions of this world, struggle with ever more disease and seem to always be challenged even with what is simple and easy to sort out and navigate for others?

Because some people operate from a high level of humanness, have incredible abilities and currently experience a tremendous transformation of their biology in alignment with nature-driven frequency changes on this planet, and other people have become so affected by synthetic ways of being that their biology is corrupted, cannot upgrade, or does so very slowly, and is disconnected from nature to a large extent. These people cannot hear themselves but are run by the same principles as those beings which used to run this planet (see below). They do not understand nature well, in fact often fear nature, cannot see what is happening on this planet and often struggle with one health issue after the other because the mix of their remaining naturalness with synthetic influences causes their body and their whole being to malfunction. The two are in constant disagreement – mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and beyond. The outcome is inner turmoil at all these levels.

While those who act from their connectedness with nature experience a revival of innately human abilities such as instant materialisation of what is required to fulfill one’s needs, telepathic abilities rooted in true human connectedness, a multi-dimensional way of living, and increasing memory of the history of this planet form the inside out, others live in constant scarcity, fear, ill-health, doubt and confusion.

Interdimensional beings – Brutal realities

There are forms of intelligence on Earth which do not respond to the laws of Nature that govern life on this planet. This includes a technologically advanced non-natural/synthetic race which has been here for millennia – beings who have their own ideas about the future of nature, including humanity. It is a race which is not native to this planet, and does not understand life because it operates based on completely different principles. These interdimensional beings are constantly initiating and driving the creation of synthetic counterparts to nature in an attempt to control life, and to make this planet suitable for their needs. These beings brought with them the idea and technologies of corporate control, genetic control via royal bloodlines and DNA manipulation, mind control, emotional control and to ever increasing levels control over our physical bodies. We accepted their suggestions which often reached us via mental infiltration, reflecting the technological sophistication of that other race.

Two realities side by side, merged to some extent in a dysfunctional way, and quickly separating. The non-human one is leaving while the original, indigenous life force is quickly re-emerging from its very suppressed state. Suppression only works for so long. Hence everything which is hooked in with this non-natural race Is surfacing, the attempt to coerce is at its peak as that interdimensional, non-human race is trying to stay in control. We have let it come to this point, mainly through a lack of questioning this world, the ways in which our societies and institutions function, how our very biology works, and what it means to be human.

While currently there is no human being on this planet which is unaffected by synthetic technology and transhumanism, some are quickly purifying these influences out of their system while others are on a fast track to no longer being human at all. We are fed with narratives which attempt to make us believe that we are inherently bad, wars cannot be avoided, being alive means suffering, we have to compete for resources because scarcity is natural, we tend to self-destruct etc. Is this really so? What do you feel when asked these questions?

Many indigenous peoples are aware of the presence of these interdimensional beings in one way or another since a very long time because their stories which are passed on from generation to generation contain the information. Could that be why these peoples and their traditional ways of being and knowing are so targeted? Why we are not supposed to focus on indigenousness, their stories and histories, why we don’t learn about them at school, why they are forced to live in isolated, often remote reservations, why so many have died in never-ending genocides?  

A useful account of interdimensional beings can be found in Carlo Castaneda’s Mud Shadows. Here is a link to a page which shares the relevant excerpt: There are many more accounts since these beings are often quite visible and otherwise palpable – yet rarely recognised for what they are. Sometimes we can see them as shadows out of the corner of our eyes, or feel them when they infiltrate our system. They may briefly pop up on the screens of electronic devices just to disappear as fast as they came. People connect with them and experience them as disembodied entities that one can communicate with, even connect with for healing sessions, or via channeling (not all channeling).

Let’s return to the origin of Caucasian people. They seem to be nowhere at home. Everywhere on Earth white people have decimated indigenous tribes and took over their lands, in some areas like western Europe to the extent that indigenousness has almost fully vanished. Where do they come from? What if war and disease/epidemics are a possibility to end something which does no longer work from the perspective of an elite – a way to start all over again, in a certain geographic region, or worldwide (like a medical war)? Some wars are discussed in great detail by main media, while others are never mentioned – why? Perhaps we are fed very specific narratives. What does that imply?

The genetically engineered human – A different history

Humans are a deliberate genetic fusion of chimpanzee DNA with early indigenous human genetic material, and … interdimensional, non-natural beings, created by … interdimensional beings. Genetic science has long revealed the fusion point in our DNA, but only certain research outcomes make it into the news, or the wider public debate. It’s a genetic experiment which has been repeated over and over in the history of this planet. One batch created, then wiped out and a new one introduced. Hence the cycles of mysteriously appearing and vanishing human civilisations and peoples over thousands of years. This is also why we still look the same way we did 200000 years ago. Research suggests that our anatomy has not changed since earliest fossil records. Human language was created, and eventually replaced universal communication to a large extent. Gregg Braden summarised much underlying research in an understandable way in chapter 2 of his book Human by Design. Also see the reference list in the end of this page for evidence provided by numerous scientists.

As archaeologists and historians have pointed out time and again many of these past human civilisations still had advanced biological abilities and technologies, and lived very differently from us. Only recently has this planet experienced a substantial downgrade in frequency, effecting all life on this planet. Concurrently we have lost many of our abilities. The connection between Earth and sky has been severely manipulated and diminished in a multitude of ways – frequency shielding, the cutting down of trees, interference via large metal structures etc. We entered into cyclic short lives with extreme focus on, and identification with the physical body. In an attempt to regain lost bio-technological skills and features we began to invent downgraded technologies, meant to copy nature, which pollute and destroy this planet and and its living beings. A path of self-destruction – as this merging of nature and other is not sustainable on any level of existence. The latest batches of human beings are increasingly white-skinned and carried more features of interdimensional beings than previous more indigenous ones at the time of their introduction. These white-skinned humans began to destroy what was left of nature, including the peoples which can still recall the history of this planet and know how the natural world operates.

However in these times all of us are either transforming, or leaving. Positive beings of high frequency who have come here for this planetary transformation live in all types of bodies. They end extremely destructive family lines, spear-head bio-physical upgrades and turn the interdimensional genetic experiment upside down. No one is excluded anymore. It is impossible to tell who is what on the basis of physical appearance. We have to leave behind our prejudices and judgment of one another, in full recognition of the past, taking on full responsibility for what has happened on this planet, the damage which has been done, and move forward in a completely different way, charting ever new grounds in a world that we wish to see. Past are the times of external dictation of stereotypical societies which we are supposed to fit into.

Genetic engineering technology is highly advanced on this planet. The technological recreation of human beings is easy and is done often – a synthetic copy based on the natural model. This is a reality we should be aware of. Question this world deeply and you will see for yourself if you have not done so yet. Our reality is one of many layers. Many technologies which scientists are exploring and experimenting with at infancy stages are well developed behind these official scenes.                            

So-called free data and video sharing platforms, free social media, email platforms etc. are continuously harvested for data about the emotional, mental and spiritual functioning of human beings. Why would these platforms be free in a world in which everything is tied into the financial system? Medical and pharmaceutical science and experimentation constitute the physical counterpart. What does all of this say about science – a delivery system of lacking information to an elite to then be used against us it seems, does it not? Do we want to be slaves to a synthetic elite, or do we want to be human? Time to decide, act, transform…

On the About page of this website I wrote that 90% of what we know is leaving. Can you see why? It is up to us to stand up in courage, look deeply at what is happening on this planet, and find out what our personal roles are in these times of transformation. What would you like to take into the future? What would you like to build? How do you want to live? Is that what you are choosing and supporting in everyday life? The future of our communities, of our children is in our hands. If we embody Nature, if we stop giving our power away to external entities, and step into our own wisdom, knowledge and skill, using our potential as natural beings, then we are held and catapulted forward in the most incredible ways. Don’t throw life away by silently agreeing to a synthetic reality.

Harvesting YOU

The slavery I just described is neither limited to the digital world, nor to genetic experimentation and manipulation. That non-natural race – it needs your light to survive. What happens when an inherently natural celestial body like the Earth, which functions based on very clear settings and light technologies, becomes invaded by something other than that, something which does not know life, is not of Nature? That other intelligence has a hard time surviving because it clashes with the already existing web of structural and functional frameworks. For example interdimensional beings and human-appearing beings who are hooked into their technologies like it dark and damp, but the Earth is a planet of light. The two don’t go together. Certain forms of light which that non-natural race does not have access to are needed to survive on this planet.

Places of great excitement, pleasure and open energy fields lend themselves to the harvest of our life force – the Colosseum used to be such a location, brothels, the Oktoberfest, movie theaters – you are getting the picture. Alcohol, shamanic plant medicines, sex and ecstasy open the human electromagnetic and light field into full alignment with Earth’s body – meeting Nature at the deepest level – a process which is easily exploited by a technologically advanced race in dire need of light. Invasion happens when one is not fully rooted in the body. Suddenly a healthy human being begins to not only feel drained – fatigue and exhaustion have become a pandemic for a reason – but to respond more to external influences and suggestions than to their own wisdom. What should be life-enhancing becomes destructive.

Here is also the link to the prevalence of pedophilia on this planet. The younger the child the more light can be harvested. On the superficial layer the external power structures on Earth (by this I mean external to Nature) are determined by money, but money is only the tool. Once people are addicted to, or dependent on the financial system, then money is a means to coerce, to direct, to kill. Aware of this non-natural race are, of course, those people who directly collaborate with it – a world of blood ritual, human and animal sacrifice, pedophilia, extreme violence, cannibalism, black magic. The internet and media are full of information about that other force – some correct, some ludicrous. If you are deeply and determinedly connected with your own source of wisdom and life, then you are able to discern, always.

Thank you for looking at what no one wants to see.

On a planet of light, ultimately run by Nature, an invasion can only go so far. Life pushes back: the life in us, the aliveness of the Earth, the sentience of all living beings.

Your signal – Waking up the world

If you have read to this point and are still with me to some extent, then you are one of the people who are transforming this world. It takes a certain something to look that deeply, to be open to the more hidden layers of the history of Earth and humanity. Your body is much more than a physical lump of bones and flesh. Every single living being is an emitter and receiver of sound and light signals of a specific frequency range. These signals have a direct effect on your DNA which changes and rewrites itself all the time. There is nothing fixed, or stagnant about the DNA. It is as alive as our whole being.

People, animals – all living beings close to you pick up on your signal at the body level – often not so much consciously – and adjust to match, at least for the time of physical or emotional proximity. Hence if you operate within a high, positive frequency range, you uplift and transform everything around you. Your reality changes. Vice versa we continuously receive the signals of others which too have an effect on our DNA. Substantially lower signals emerging from your environment can wear you down after a while, possibly causing a downshift of your personal frequency emission. This is why boundaries are so important. The frequency range of signals that can be experienced on this planet is large.

If you live in alignment with Nature, and hence your personal wisdom, then the purity of your signal can have a multitude of effects on people close to you – incl. physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and beyond. There may be upheaval as stuff which is not in alignment with Nature’s ways of functioning comes up. This goes both ways. Often we lack alignment in different areas of life and hence trigger each other, wake each other up, and bring each other into full synchronicity with Nature.

What you build matters
What you say and build not only shows who your are, but it changes reality on this planet, for better or worse. If you courageously walk your path based on your knowing rather than dictated by external systems, then – in these times of transformation – you continuously create new pathways which others can then pick up on and adjust to their local and personal circumstances – others following you in a healthy, non-manipulative way, based on their internal promptings – a way which is exciting, enhancing, and not draining. This is true support. In this way we constantly cooperate, ever-connected, never alone.
I would like to share a quote from a scientific paper called ‘The language of our DNA – Scalar energy.’ (full citation below):
“… thought guided by clear intention produces organized information within the personal morphogenetic field manifestation blueprint resulting in efficient manifestation and materialization potentiality.”
Thoughts set the stage. Speaking about an intention deepens the process of materialisation. To then act towards that same direction clearly and determinedly does the rest. Magic happens, well magic to us since we have functioned on a lowered frequency range and a synthetically downgraded biology for too long. If your words match your actions, and are rooted in your personal wisdom, then you can materialise anything. No wobbling back and forth, but clear direction. I think all of us have experienced this. It highlights both our responsibility and potential, if we actually biologically function soundly – in the way which is natural for human beings.

Want to read more?

Check out the ‘Being human’ page, or the blog post ‘Radically being oneself’.


The references below are by no means meant to be a complete list. Rather they are snapshots of different fields of scientific exploration which may give substance to my claims above, but more so to provide a foundation from which you can research and explore on your own – by exploration I mean the reactions of your body signals to what is presented as well as intellectual contemplation. Your personal means of recognising what is true and what is not are always more valuable than written words.

Human genetics & origin

Braden, G. (2017): Human by design: From evolution by chance to transformation by choice. Hay House Inc.

Enard, W.; Przeworski, M.; Fisher, S.E.; Lai, C.S.L.; Wiebe, V.; Kitano, T.; Monaco, A.P.; Pääbo, S. (2002): Molecular evolution of FOXP2, a gene involved in speech and language. Nature, 418(6900): 869-872.

ETC Group (2007): Extreme genetic engineering: An Introduction to Synthetic Biology. Action group on erosion, technology and concentration.

Fan, Y.; Linardopoulou, E.; Friedman, C.; Williams, E.; Trask, B.J. (2002): Genomic structure and evolution of the ancestral chromosome fusion site in 2q13–2q14.1 and paralogous regions on other human chromosomes. Genome Research, 12,1651–1662.

Foley, R. (1998): The context of human genetic evolution. Genome Research, 8: 339-347.                                              

Hillier, L.W. et al. (2005): Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of human chromosomes 2 and 4. Nature, 434(7): 724-731.

Hubisz, M.J.; Williams, A.L.; Siepel, A. (2020): Mapping gene flow between ancient hominins through demography-aware inference of the ancestral recombination graph. PLoS Genet, 16(8): e1008895.

Ijdo, J.W; Baldini, A.; Ward, D.C.; Reeders, S.T.; Wells, R.A. (1991): Origin of human chromosome 2: An ancestral telomere-telomere fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 88: 9051-9055.

Stankiewicz, P. (2016) One pedigree we all may have come from – Did Adam and Eve have the chromosome 2 fusion? Molecular Cytogenetics, 9(72). 

Light harvesting technology

Like any technology, the findings shared in the following papers can be used in a multitude of ways – positive and exploitative. It may require some thought to see how these technologies can be used for light harvesting of human beings, but I want to leave that part to you.

Bösch, C.D.; Jevric, J.; Bürki, N.; Probst, M.; Langenegger, S.M.; Häner, R. (2018): Supramolecular assembly of DNA-phenanthrene conjugates into vesicles with light-harvesting properties. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 29(5): 1505-1509.

DiSalvo, G.M.; Robinson, A.R.; Aly, M.S.; Hoglund, E.R.; O’Malley, S.M.; Griepenburg, J.C. (2020): Polymersome poration and rupture mediated by plasmonic nanoparticles in response to single-pulse irradiation. Polymers, 12: 2381.

Mothersill, C.; Le, M.; Rusin, A.; Seymour, C. (2019): Biophotons in radiobiology: Inhibitors, communicators and reactors. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, (2019): 1-6.    

Williams, G.O.S.; Euser, T.G.; Russell, P.S.J.; Jones, A.C. (2013): Spectrofluorimetry with attomole sensitivity in photonic crystal fibres. Methods of Applied Fluorescence, 1: 015003.

Woller, J.G.; Hannestad, J.K.; Albinsson, B. (2013): Self-assembled nanoscale DNA−porphyrin complex for artificial light harvesting. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135 (7): 2759-2768.    

Climate change, geoengineering & importance of CO2/carbon for life

CLINTEL (continuously updated): World Climate Declaration – There is no climate emergency.

Davis, J. (2017): The relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global temperature for the last 425 million years. Climate, 5: 76.

Easterbrook, D.J. (2011): Geologic evidence of recurring climate cycles and their implications for the cause of global climate changes – The past is the key to the future. Evidence-Based Climate Science, Elsevier Inc.: 3-51.

Geoengineering Monitor – a joint project of Biofuelwatch, ETC Group & Heinrich Boell Foundation.

Lindzen, R.S. (2019): On climate sensitivity. CO2 Coalition of climate scientists and energy economists. 2nd edition. 

Rörsch, A.; Courtney, R.S.; Thoenes, D. (2005): Global warming and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere – A Critical Consideration of the Evidence. Energy & Environment, 16(1): 101-125.

Marohasy, J. (2020): Climate change: The facts  2020. Institute of Public Affairs and Australian Scholarly Publishing.

Wallace, J.P. III; D’Aleo, J.S.; Idso, C.D. (2017): On the validity of NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU Global Average Surface Temperature data & the validity of EPA’s CO2 Endangerment Finding. Abridged Research Report. HAARP: Weather Control – Is the HAARP project a weather control weapon? Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service (PEERS).

Never-ending genocides & femicides on indigenous peoples

Human Rights Monitor (2023): Destroy them first… discuss human rights later: An investigation of Indonesian Security Forces’ operations in Papua’s Kiwirok under international law. Human Rights News, Reports / Indonesia, International Law, West Papua

Human Rights Watch (2021): Break their lineage, break their roots” – China’s crimes against humanity targeting Uyghurs and other Turkic muslims. Report in collaboration with Stanford Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinic.

Lawrence, J. (2000): The Indian Health Service and the sterilization of Native American women. American Indian Quarterly, 24(3): 400-419. 

Mao, F. (2021): Why Aboriginal people are still dying in police custody. BBC News, Sydney.

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (2019): Reclaiming power and place. Final Report, Volume 1a, Canada.

Ntanyoma, D.R.; Hintjens, H. (2021): Expressive violence and the slow genocide of the Banyamulenge of South Kivu. Sage Journals, 22(3).

Pisoners’ Legal Services (2023): The mass incarceration of indigenous people. Information sheet, Canada’s Fourth Universal Periodic Review.

Scheidel, A.; Fernandez-Llamazares, A.; Bara, A. et al. (2023): Global impacts of extractive and industrial development projects on Indigenous Peoples’ lifeways, lands, and rights. Science Advances, 9(23).

Light & sound biology               

Bischof, M. (2005): Biophotons – The light in our cells. Journal of Optometric Phototherapy, 15: 1-5.

Bordoni, B.; Marelli, F.; Morabito, B.; Sacconi, B. (2018): Emission of biophotons and adjustable sounds by the fascial system: Review and reflections for manual therapy. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 23: 1-6.

Cohen, S.; Popp, F.A. (1997): Biophoton emission of the human body. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 40: 187-189.   

Hamouda, S.; Khalifa, N.; Belhasan, M. (2018): Bio-photon research and Its applications: A review. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations, 6(1): 35-46.

Rahnama, M.; Tuszynski, J.A.; Bókkon, I.; Cifra, M.; Sardar, P.; Salari, V. (2011): Emission of mitochondrial biophotons and their effect on electrical activity of membrane via microtubules. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 10(1): 65-88.

Rivera-Dugenio, J. (2019): The language of our DNA – Scalar energy. International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, 3(3): 173-177.

Sarich, C (2016): Biophoton theory: German scientists discover light shatters cancerous cells & other diseases. The Mind Unleashed.

Two paths

Why is there a synthetic opposite to almost everything natural despite myriad studies describing harmful effects of the former? Why are not only machines, but now increasingly AI replacing our natural abilities and skills to an ever larger degree? Have we voted for this? Have we been asked for consent? Wouldn’t democracy imply that we have a voice?

Table 1: Synthetic versus Nature

Some examples…

Natural, nourishing foods with all the proven healing effects they induce

Chemical & lab-grown replacements incl. artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavours, stabilisers, lab- grown meat, genetically modified plants & animals etc.

Thriving organic permaculture farms which resemble, reflect & amplify nature

Chemical farming industry leaving behind degraded & destroyed lands, animals & waters

Natural, holistic medicines & medical technologies which harness Nature

Chemical symptom-suppressing pharmaceuticals, highly invasive surgery

Plant-based paints & dyes

Chemical paints, off-gassing toxic substances

Natural fibers for clothing e.g. cotton, hemp

Synthetic fibers e.g. polyesters & nylon which effect lungs & blood system

Natural, breathable building materials e.g. clay, hemp, wood, stone, straw, dried palm leaves

Toxic, harmful replacements incl. lead, PVC, asbestos, fiberglass, concrete

Natural abilities to navigate, move, memorise etc.

Technical replacements e.g. smartphones, navigation devices etc.

Etherial electricity / free energy

Electric grids run on fossil fuels etc. with ever increasing prices

Natural seismic & volcanic activity

Weaponized scalar wave technology

Natural weather & climate

Geoengineering / weather manipulation

Interconnectedness of humans via water & electromagnetic fields

Dependency on internet, radio, TV…

Universal communication / animal communication

Hijacked verbal languages which separate us

Why is it that peoples whose lives and traditions are embedded in nature are continuously experiencing high levels of violence such as epidemic-level abduction of children & young women, mass-sterlisation, mass-incarceration, high levels of exposure to industrial pollution, poverty, removal from homelands, taking away of basic human rights and needs? This includes almost all of the worlds indigenous peoples. About 370 million indigenous people, living across 90 countries, accounting for < 5% of the world’s population, represent 15% of the poorest people but protect over 80% of the world’s biodiversity, speak an overwhelming majority of the world’s ~7000 languages and represent ~5000 diverse cultures often still very distinct from dominant societies. Do you realise the importance of indigenous peoples related to the history of this planet? Have you ever learned about indigenous history at school? Why not?

What does it mean to be non-indigenous? If not indigenous, then where do Caucasian people come from?

Why is there such a high level of destruction of all types of natural habitats and ecosystems when there are thousands of books filled with solutions, and millions of people actively working towards sustainability since decades and via diverse avenues? There is something fundamentally wrong. Isn’t that obvious?

Why are there people who easily recognise truth without doubt, easily find their way in a maze of possibilities, are quite healthy, experience reversed aging without effort, are confident and stand strong in their own knowing, and on the other hand people who need to be told what to do, repeat what they hear without questioning, can’t see and don’t understand the contradictions of this world, struggle with ever more disease and seem to always be challenged even with what is simple and easy to sort out and navigate for others?

Because some people operate from a high level of humanness, have incredible abilities and currently experience a tremendous transformation of their biology in alignment with nature-driven frequency changes on this planet, and other people have become so affected by synthetic ways of being that their biology is corrupted, cannot upgrade, or does so very slowly, and is disconnected from nature to a large extent. These people cannot hear themselves but are run by the same principles as those beings which used to run this planet (see below). They do not understand nature well, in fact often fear nature, cannot see what is happening on this planet and often struggle with one health issue after the other because the mix of their remaining naturalness with synthetic influences causes their body and their whole being to malfunction. The two are in constant disagreement – mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and beyond. The outcome is inner turmoil at all these levels.

While those who act from their connectedness with nature experience a revival of innately human abilities such as instant materialisation of what is required to fulfill one’s needs, telepathic abilities rooted in true human connectedness, a multi-dimensional way of living, and increasing memory of the history of this planet form the inside out, others live in constant scarcity, fear, ill-health, doubt and confusion.

Interdimensional beings – Brutal realities

There are forms of intelligence on Earth which do not respond to the laws of Nature that govern life on this planet. This includes a technologically advanced non-natural/synthetic race which has been here for millennia – beings who have their own ideas about the future of nature, including humanity. It is a race which is not native to this planet, and does not understand life because it operates based on completely different principles. These interdimensional beings are constantly initiating and driving the creation of synthetic counterparts to nature in an attempt to control life, and to make this planet suitable for their needs. These beings brought with them the idea and technologies of corporate control, genetic control via royal bloodlines and DNA manipulation, mind control, emotional control and to ever increasing levels control over our physical bodies. We accepted their suggestions which often reached us via mental infiltration, reflecting the technological sophistication of that other race.

Two realities side by side, merged to some extent in a dysfunctional way, and quickly separating. The non-human one is leaving while the original, indigenous life force is quickly re-emerging from its very suppressed state. Suppression only works for so long. Hence everything which is hooked in with this non-natural race Is surfacing, the attempt to coerce is at its peak as that interdimensional, non-human race is trying to stay in control. We have let it come to this point, mainly through a lack of questioning this world, the ways in which our societies and institutions function, how our very biology works, and what it means to be human.

While currently there is no human being on this planet which is unaffected by synthetic technology and transhumanism, some are quickly purifying these influences out of their system while others are on a fast track to no longer being human at all. We are fed with narratives which attempt to make us believe that we are inherently bad, wars cannot be avoided, being alive means suffering, we have to compete for resources because scarcity is natural, we tend to self-destruct etc. Is this really so? What do you feel when asked these questions?

Many indigenous peoples are aware of the presence of these interdimensional beings in one way or another since a very long time because their stories which are passed on from generation to generation contain the information. Could that be why these peoples and their traditional ways of being and knowing are so targeted? Why we are not supposed to focus on indigenousness, their stories and histories, why we don’t learn about them at school, why they are forced to live in isolated, often remote reservations, why so many have died in never-ending genocides?

A useful account of interdimensional beings can be found in Carlo Castaneda’s Mud Shadows. Here is a link to a page which shares the relevant excerpt:
There are many more accounts since these beings are often quite visible and otherwise palpable – yet rarely recognised for what they are. Sometimes we can see them as shadows out of the corner of our eyes, or feel them when they infiltrate our system. They may briefly pop up on the screens of electronic devices just to disappear as fast as they came. People connect with them and experience them as disembodied entities that one can communicate with, even connect with for healing sessions, or via channeling (not all channeling).

Let’s return to the origin of Caucasian people. They seem to be nowhere at home. Everywhere on Earth white people have decimated indigenous tribes and took over their lands, in some areas like western Europe to the extent that indigenousness has almost fully vanished. Where do they come from? What if war and disease/epidemics are a possibility to end something which does no longer work from the perspective of an elite – a way to start all over again, in a certain geographic region, or worldwide (like a medical war)? Some wars are discussed in great detail by main media, while others are never mentioned – why? Perhaps we are fed very specific narratives. What does that imply?

The genetically engineered human – A different history

Humans are a deliberate genetic fusion of chimpanzee DNA with early indigenous human genetic material, and … interdimensional, non-natural beings, created by … interdimensional beings. Genetic science has long revealed the fusion point in our DNA, but only certain research outcomes make it into the news, or the wider public debate. It’s a genetic experiment which has been repeated over and over in the history of this planet. One batch created, then wiped out and a new one introduced. Hence the cycles of mysteriously appearing and vanishing human civilisations and peoples over thousands of years. This is also why we still look the same way we did 200000 years ago. Research suggests that our anatomy has not changed since earliest fossil records. Human language was created, and eventually replaced universal communication to a large extent. Gregg Braden summarised much underlying research in an understandable way in chapter 2 of his book Human by Design. Also see the reference list in the end of this page for evidence provided by numerous scientists.

As archaeologists and historians have pointed out time and again many of these past human civilisations still had advanced biological abilities and technologies, and lived very differently from us. Only recently has this planet experienced a substantial downgrade in frequency, effecting all life on this planet. Concurrently we have lost many of our abilities. The connection between Earth and sky has been severely manipulated and diminished in a multitude of ways – frequency shielding, the cutting down of trees, interference via large metal structures etc. We entered into cyclic short lives with extreme focus on, and identification with the physical body. In an attempt to regain lost bio-technological skills and features we began to invent downgraded technologies, meant to copy nature, which pollute and destroy this planet and and its living beings. A path of self-destruction – as this merging of nature and other is not sustainable on any level of existence. The latest batches of human beings are increasingly white-skinned and carried more features of interdimensional beings than previous more indigenous ones at the time of their introduction. These white-skinned humans began to destroy what was left of nature, including the peoples which can still recall the history of this planet and know how the natural world operates.

However in these times all of us are either transforming, or leaving. Positive beings of high frequency who have come here for this planetary transformation live in all types of bodies. They end extremely destructive family lines, spear-head bio-physical upgrades and turn the interdimensional genetic experiment upside down. No one is excluded anymore. It is impossible to tell who is what on the basis of physical appearance. We have to leave behind our prejudices and judgment of one another, in full recognition of the past, taking on full responsibility for what has happened on this planet, the damage which has been done, and move forward in a completely different way, charting ever new grounds in a world that we wish to see. Past are the times of external dictation of stereotypical societies which we are supposed to fit into.

Genetic engineering technology is highly advanced on this planet. The technological recreation of human beings is easy and is done often – a synthetic copy based on the natural model. This is a reality we should be aware of. Question this world deeply and you will see for yourself if you have not done so yet. Our reality is one of many layers. Many technologies which scientists are exploring and experimenting with at infancy stages are well developed behind these official scenes.

So-called free data and video sharing platforms, free social media, email platforms etc. are continuously harvested for data about the emotional, mental and spiritual functioning of human beings. Why would these platforms be free in a world in which everything is tied into the financial system? Medical and pharmaceutical science and experimentation constitute the physical counterpart. What does all of this say about science – a delivery system of lacking information to an elite to then be used against us it seems, does it not? Do we want to be slaves to a synthetic elite, or do we want to be human? Time to decide, act, transform…

On the About page of this website I wrote that 90% of what we know is leaving. Can you see why? It is up to us to stand up in courage, look deeply at what is happening on this planet, and find out what our personal roles are in these times of transformation. What would you like to take into the future? What would you like to build? How do you want to live? Is that what you are choosing and supporting in everyday life? The future of our communities, of our children is in our hands. If we embody Nature, if we stop giving our power away to external entities, and step into our own wisdom, knowledge and skill, using our potential as natural beings, then we are held and catapulted forward in the most incredible ways. Don’t throw life away by silently agreeing to a synthetic reality.

Harvesting YOU

The slavery I just described is neither limited to the digital world, nor to genetic experimentation and manipulation. That non-natural race – it needs your light to survive. What happens when an inherently natural celestial body like the Earth, which functions based on very clear settings and light technologies, becomes invaded by something other than that, something which does not know life, is not of Nature? That other intelligence has a hard time surviving because it clashes with the already existing web of structural and functional frameworks. For example interdimensional beings and human-appearing beings who are hooked into their technologies like it dark and damp, but the Earth is a planet of light. The two don’t go together. Certain forms of light which that non-natural race does not have access to are needed to survive on this planet.

Places of great excitement, pleasure and open energy fields lend themselves to the harvest of our life force – the Colosseum used to be such a location, brothels, the Oktoberfest, movie theaters – you are getting the picture. Alcohol, shamanic plant medicines, sex and ecstasy open the human electromagnetic and light field into full alignment with Earth’s body – meeting Nature at the deepest level – a process which is easily exploited by a technologically advanced race in dire need of light. Invasion happens when one is not fully rooted in the body. Suddenly a healthy human being begins to not only feel drained – fatigue and exhaustion have become a pandemic for a reason – but to respond more to external influences and suggestions than to their own wisdom. What should be life-enhancing becomes destructive.

Here is also the link to the prevalence of pedophilia on this planet. The younger the child the more light can be harvested. On the superficial layer the external power structures on Earth (by this I mean external to Nature) are determined by money, but money is only the tool. Once people are addicted to, or dependent on the financial system, then money is a means to coerce, to direct, to kill. Aware of this non-natural race are, of course, those people who directly collaborate with it – a world of blood ritual, human and animal sacrifice, pedophilia, extreme violence, cannibalism, black magic. The internet and media are full of information about that other force – some correct, some ludicrous. If you are deeply and determinedly connected with your own source of wisdom and life, then you are able to discern, always.

Thank you for looking at what no one wants to see.

On a planet of light, ultimately run by Nature, an invasion can only go so far. Life pushes back: the life in us, the aliveness of the Earth, the sentience of all living beings.

Your signal – Waking up the world

If you have read to this point and are still with me to some extent, then you are one of the people who are transforming this world. It takes a certain something to look that deeply, to be open to the more hidden layers of the history of Earth and humanity. Your body is much more than a physical lump of bones and flesh. Every single living being is an emitter and receiver of sound and light signals of a specific frequency range. These signals have a direct effect on your DNA which changes and rewrites itself all the time. There is nothing fixed, or stagnant about the DNA. It is as alive as our whole being.

People, animals – all living beings close to you pick up on your signal at the body level – often not so much consciously – and adjust to match, at least for the time of physical or emotional proximity. Hence if you operate within a high, positive frequency range, you uplift and transform everything around you. Your reality changes. Vice versa we continuously receive the signals of others which too have an effect on our DNA. Substantially lower signals emerging from your environment can wear you down after a while, possibly causing a downshift of your personal frequency emission. This is why boundaries are so important. The frequency range of signals that can be experienced on this planet is large.

If you live in alignment with Nature, and hence your personal wisdom, then the purity of your signal can have a multitude of effects on people close to you – incl. physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and beyond. There may be upheaval as stuff which is not in alignment with Nature’s ways of functioning comes up. This goes both ways. Often we lack alignment in different areas of life and hence trigger each other, wake each other up, and bring each other into full synchronicity with Nature.

What you build matters
What you say and build not only shows who your are, but it changes reality on this planet, for better or worse. If you courageously walk your path based on your knowing rather than dictated by external systems, then – in these times of transformation – you continuously create new pathways which others can then pick up on and adjust to their local and personal circumstances – others following you in a healthy, non-manipulative way, based on their internal promptings – a way which is exciting, enhancing, and not draining. This is true support. In this way we constantly cooperate, ever-connected, never alone.
I would like to share a quote from a scientific paper called ‘The language of our DNA – Scalar energy.’ (full citation below):
“… thought guided by clear intention produces organized information within the personal morphogenetic field manifestation blueprint resulting in efficient manifestation and materialization potentiality.”
Thoughts set the stage. Speaking about an intention deepens the process of materialisation. To then act towards that same direction clearly and determinedly does the rest. Magic happens, well magic to us since we have functioned on a lowered frequency range and a synthetically downgraded biology for too long. If your words match your actions, and are rooted in your personal wisdom, then you can materialise anything. No wobbling back and forth, but clear direction. I think all of us have experienced this. It highlights both our responsibility and potential, if we actually biologically function soundly – in the way which is natural for human beings.

Want to read more?

Check out the ‘Being human’ page, or the blog post ‘Radically being oneself’.


The references below are by no means meant to be a complete list. Rather they are snapshots of different fields of scientific exploration which may give substance to my claims above, but more so to provide a foundation from which you can research and explore on your own – by exploration I mean the reactions of your body signals to what is presented as well as intellectual contemplation. Your personal means of recognising what is true and what is not are always more valuable than written words.

Human genetics & origin

Braden, G. (2017): Human by design: From evolution by chance to transformation by choice. Hay House Inc.

Enard, W.; Przeworski, M.; Fisher, S.E.; Lai, C.S.L.; Wiebe, V.; Kitano, T.; Monaco, A.P.; Pääbo, S. (2002): Molecular evolution of FOXP2, a gene involved in speech and language. Nature, 418(6900): 869-872.

ETC Group (2007): Extreme genetic engineering: An Introduction to Synthetic Biology. Action group on erosion, technology and concentration.

Fan, Y.; Linardopoulou, E.; Friedman, C.; Williams, E.; Trask, B.J. (2002): Genomic structure and evolution of the ancestral chromosome fusion site in 2q13–2q14.1 and paralogous regions on other human chromosomes. Genome Research, 12,1651–1662.

Foley, R. (1998): The context of human genetic evolution. Genome Research, 8: 339-347.                                              

Hillier, L.W. et al. (2005): Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of human chromosomes 2 and 4. Nature, 434(7): 724-731.

Hubisz, M.J.; Williams, A.L.; Siepel, A. (2020): Mapping gene flow between ancient hominins through demography-aware inference of the ancestral recombination graph. PLoS Genet, 16(8): e1008895.

Ijdo, J.W; Baldini, A.; Ward, D.C.; Reeders, S.T.; Wells, R.A. (1991): Origin of human chromosome 2: An ancestral telomere-telomere fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 88: 9051-9055.

Stankiewicz, P. (2016) One pedigree we all may have come from – Did Adam and Eve have the chromosome 2 fusion? Molecular Cytogenetics, 9(72). 

Light harvesting technology

Like any technology, the findings shared in the following papers can be used in a multitude of ways – positive and exploitative. It may require some thought to see how these technologies can be used for light harvesting of human beings, but I want to leave that part to you.

Bösch, C.D.; Jevric, J.; Bürki, N.; Probst, M.; Langenegger, S.M.; Häner, R. (2018): Supramolecular assembly of DNA-phenanthrene conjugates into vesicles with light-harvesting properties. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 29(5): 1505-1509.

DiSalvo, G.M.; Robinson, A.R.; Aly, M.S.; Hoglund, E.R.; O’Malley, S.M.; Griepenburg, J.C. (2020): Polymersome poration and rupture mediated by plasmonic nanoparticles in response to single-pulse irradiation. Polymers, 12: 2381.

Mothersill, C.; Le, M.; Rusin, A.; Seymour, C. (2019): Biophotons in radiobiology: Inhibitors, communicators and reactors. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, (2019): 1-6.    

Williams, G.O.S.; Euser, T.G.; Russell, P.S.J.; Jones, A.C. (2013): Spectrofluorimetry with attomole sensitivity in photonic crystal fibres. Methods of Applied Fluorescence, 1: 015003.

Woller, J.G.; Hannestad, J.K.; Albinsson, B. (2013): Self-assembled nanoscale DNA−porphyrin complex for artificial light harvesting. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135 (7): 2759-2768.    

Climate change, geoengineering & importance of CO2/carbon for life

CLINTEL (continuously updated): World Climate Declaration – There is no climate emergency.

Davis, J. (2017): The relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global temperature for the last 425 million years. Climate, 5: 76.

Easterbrook, D.J. (2011): Geologic evidence of recurring climate cycles and their implications for the cause of global climate changes – The past is the key to the future. Evidence-Based Climate Science, Elsevier Inc.: 3-51.

Geoengineering Monitor – a joint project of Biofuelwatch, ETC Group & Heinrich Boell Foundation.

Lindzen, R.S. (2019): On climate sensitivity. CO2 Coalition of climate scientists and energy economists. 2nd edition. 

Rörsch, A.; Courtney, R.S.; Thoenes, D. (2005): Global warming and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere – A Critical Consideration of the Evidence. Energy & Environment, 16(1): 101-125.

Marohasy, J. (2020): Climate change: The facts  2020. Institute of Public Affairs and Australian Scholarly Publishing.

Wallace, J.P. III; D’Aleo, J.S.; Idso, C.D. (2017): On the validity of NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU Global Average Surface Temperature data & the validity of EPA’s CO2 Endangerment Finding. Abridged Research Report. HAARP: Weather Control – Is the HAARP project a weather control weapon? Public Education and Empowerment Resource Service (PEERS).

Never-ending genocides & femicides on indigenous peoples

Human Rights Monitor (2023): Destroy them first… discuss human rights later: An investigation of Indonesian Security Forces’ operations in Papua’s Kiwirok under international law. Human Rights News, Reports / Indonesia, International Law, West Papua

Human Rights Watch (2021): Break their lineage, break their roots” – China’s crimes against humanity targeting Uyghurs and other Turkic muslims. Report in collaboration with Stanford Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinic.

Lawrence, J. (2000): The Indian Health Service and the sterilization of Native American women. American Indian Quarterly, 24(3): 400-419. 

Mao, F. (2021): Why Aboriginal people are still dying in police custody. BBC News, Sydney.

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (2019): Reclaiming power and place. Final Report, Volume 1a, Canada.

Ntanyoma, D.R.; Hintjens, H. (2021): Expressive violence and the slow genocide of the Banyamulenge of South Kivu. Sage Journals, 22(3).

Pisoners’ Legal Services (2023): The mass incarceration of indigenous people. Information sheet, Canada’s Fourth Universal Periodic Review.

Scheidel, A.; Fernandez-Llamazares, A.; Bara, A. et al. (2023): Global impacts of extractive and industrial development projects on Indigenous Peoples’ lifeways, lands, and rights. Science Advances, 9(23).

Light & sound biology               

Bischof, M. (2005): Biophotons – The light in our cells. Journal of Optometric Phototherapy, 15: 1-5.

Bordoni, B.; Marelli, F.; Morabito, B.; Sacconi, B. (2018): Emission of biophotons and adjustable sounds by the fascial system: Review and reflections for manual therapy. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 23: 1-6.

Cohen, S.; Popp, F.A. (1997): Biophoton emission of the human body. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 40: 187-189.   

Hamouda, S.; Khalifa, N.; Belhasan, M. (2018): Bio-photon research and Its applications: A review. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations, 6(1): 35-46.

Rahnama, M.; Tuszynski, J.A.; Bókkon, I.; Cifra, M.; Sardar, P.; Salari, V. (2011): Emission of mitochondrial biophotons and their effect on electrical activity of membrane via microtubules. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 10(1): 65-88.

Rivera-Dugenio, J. (2019): The language of our DNA – Scalar energy. International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, 3(3): 173-177.

Sarich, C (2016): Biophoton theory: German scientists discover light shatters cancerous cells & other diseases. The Mind Unleashed.

The show must go on

Why keeping so many balls in the air.
When time is running
Faster than the cheetah’s paws can fly.
Tension so high.
Things I never thought I could do,
Pressure I never imagined to sustain.
Me in the middle of it all,
Keeping together a running city of gnu.
Past my limits
When all limits are gone.
Fed by bright sun,
Facing whatever may come.
A tumbling heart in an endless sky
Full of wonder, full of fear,
Gliding through challenge day after day,
Pushing back the ugly, inviting the dear.
Bouncing between endless strength and exhaustion
From dawn to dusk, from dusk to dawn.
Ever reborn.
The show must go on.
Poem by Carina Ramm, written June 7, 2024, at Ubuntu Hostel in Mutare, Zimbabwe.

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