Reducing dependency on money & banking guide
Get free of money and banking systems, take back your power and live in more sovereignty.
Why reduce dependency on money and banking?
Table of contents
Are you in many ways still living inside the box – that mental framework rooted in past experience, societal expectations, education, your upbringing etc.? You won’t be able to reduce dependency on money and the financial system there. Leave it all behind and find new ways of being. Then see what of the old may still fit in and in which ways it may have to transform to stay. Our past experiences, education and standards are very limited compared to what is unfolding on this planet, and are rooted in lower frequencies than what is now governing this all live on this planet in increasingly powerful ways. You know what is right. Follow that no matter how scary it may seem, or how much you think you will be judged for its unconventionality. You are supported in myriad ways. Many of which we are not able to clearly sense, but which we can rely on at all times. Nature supports what is in alignment with its intelligence, and you are able to pick up on that when you listen to yourself, in silence, and nothing else.
Some people’s role in these times involves continued engagement with the old financial system. These people may provide resources for communities at a large scale, or will be essential in bringing the old system of trade and business down. No judgment. You are needed exactly where you are then. BUT, is this really your role? It can be an easy excuse for avoiding stepping out of one’s comfort zone and into a new world of much higher frequency. Most people are desperately needed with building and transitioning to new ways of giving and exchanging which are vastly different from what we used to know. How do you feel right now? What is you body telling you?
Be honest with yourself. No one is judging, but our future depends on whether we are able to stay in alignment with nature’s intelligence, or take paths which may feel more comfortable, or safe, and which are rooted in a false sense of security that will neither help you, nor our children, this planet, or any living being.
Healthy detachment
There is no more room for comparing oneself to other people to justify ones own actions. None of that is you. Walk your path. People will come and go during this major transition. Your life circumstances will change over and over. Your location may change too. At times you may feel like everything is falling apart – these are all identities which we have clung onto, and which are falling away no matter what. This can happen in quite manageable ways, intense at times, but not overly difficult, or it can happen radically and through deeply painful events if adjustments and transitions were resisted and major misalignment with nature’s ways have built up.
Choosing the uncomfortable
I promise you, you will soar if you keep yourself on the edge with pretty much all that you do. I am writing based on my own experience and can assure you that transformation will be fast if you go with what really feels in alignment, what is really calling, no matter how unconventional it is, how illogical it seems and how much you think you will be judged negatively. Step out of your comfort zone. You will quickly be able to deal with more and more of what others call upheaval, without much challenge.
These times are intense and intensity will be there no matter what, but this current transition does not have to be full of pain. Quite to the contrary. Most of the time it is exhilarating and a deeply empowering learning process, one which no course or book can prepare you for. You are already prepared including all that is needed to leave behind money as we know it.
A short story
A few days ago I went to the Irish town of Ballina to buy the very few food items that I could not seem to obtain in non-monetary ways. I thought I would use some of the last cash that I still have – 52 Euro and 60 cents. That’s it. No stash somewhere else.
I walk into the only health food store in town – the Wild Rocket – looked around, sensed internally: what of all this do I really need, and what do I want based on cravings that are not me, but are an interference with my nature. Sunflower seeds. 500g. I like them a lot. Chocolate? No. Honey. Oh, it’s over there. 8 Euro for a tiny jar containing maybe 3 tablespoons full. Should living ethically be so exclusive to those who can afford such things? My body is clearly saying ‘no’.
Time to pay for my seeds. The lady behind the counter who is a friend of the person with whom I am staying based on a non-monetary work exchange, and who I came to Ballina with, tells me that she just received a text on her phone. I do not need to pay for my groceries and can take whatever I like, she tells me. My host had just messaged her that I am a great help and she wishes to pay for the food.
Whoa, I did not expect that. Feeling a bit thrown off, I am at the same time grateful and overwhelmed. Why this? We were in the car together 10min ago and she did not mention anything. I look around again, at the honey, maybe some nuts. It does not feel right. I am on a path of radically reducing my dependency on money and that does not mean making others pay for me. Also I don’t want to use that gift for buying something I don’t need just because someone else is paying for it. Alignment is integrity. Integrity is alignment. I take my sunflower seeds and leave the store.
I remember that the little salmon store around the corner also has some other local foods, including honey. Wildflower honey, raw, completely unprocessed – a larger jar for less than 5 Euro. This feels right. My eyes fly over the best before date, something I rarely check but for some reason I looked and noticed, we are just a few days past it. The other two jars on the shelf are the same. Another look around the store. Nothing else of interest. I approach the friendly looking man behind the counter:
Me: “I would like to buy this honey but it is outdated.’
Him: “Oh, I am so sorry. We don’t have any more of those in the back”.
Me: “If I can have it half-price, I will buy it.”
Him: “Ah, you know what, you can just take it. You can have it.” A big smile on his face.
I was thrilled. Everything is free today. First the sunflower seeds, now the honey. Those are the two things I had come to Ballina for. A big ‘thank you’ to the man in the salmon store and off I went, now almost dizzy. How is all this possible?
I walked through some chain stores and bakeries checking them out and to sense if there is anything calling me there. Nothing. Chemical foods, loads of sugar, fake labelling. Under those circumstances I cannot even get myself to purchase the organic, fairtrade bananas. They were the only truly ethical product in a large store full of supplies that are called food, but it’s not. It feels like an add-on so as to say ‘we are trying’ but they are not.
I reunite with Betty who meanwhile got her own groceries – she is the woman with whom I am staying on an exchange-base. She tells me that she forgot to mention the gift voucher she has for the Wild Rocket store, and that I can use it up over the summer months – the time I plan to live with her. More free food…
So what?
You cannot plan these things. This is not something which can be figured out in the mind. It simply happens when you make a clear decision and stay in alignment to what you know is in integrity for you. This is how it looks in my life. It may look differently in yours, but the underlying principles are the same and the path is often radical In these times. What you need simply shows up, always. No exception. If you stop listening to thoughts that is. Most of them are not you, not a reflection of nature, but are caused by technological interference which is very limiting and rooted in quickly disappearing frequencies.
Practical ideas & inspiration
Yes, it is helpful to have some basic knowledge of the practical possibilities of reducing dependency on money in a time when less and less people are able to secure even their most basic needs through the avenues of the financial system, but keep in mind that new ways are constantly materialiseing and your path may not include any of the below. Living outside societal boxes and mental constructs means leaving behind even these practical ideas and fully trusting and mastering nature’s principles of abundance. Material reality then unfolds moment by moment in true spontaneity – sometimes you know in advance, a lot of the time you have no idea how ends will meet until the last moment. Nature is exciting (and sometimes nerve-wrecking) but needs are always met even in these chaotic, unpredictable times.
The obvious – reducing bills
What of all this stuff you have do you actually need? How much of it is burdening you, or trapping you in your location because it would be such a hassle to pack your belongings and move? You may have imprisoned yourself without noticing. Which of the many things you receive bills for have you chosen freely – not based on societal standards, family expectations, or a mental obsession with safety? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to any of these questions but it is important to take a deep look without hesitation or procrastination. If this opens up an abyss, jump into it. It is rewarding. It is never too late for profound life changes.
I have no bills, not a single re-occurring weekly, monthly or yearly expense (besides the fees for the hosting service for this website). Yet I have all I want and more, and am getting through life pretty smoothly, even in these times. Without a car, a bank account, a phone, an insurance of any type, a subscription that costs anything. This is my path. Yours may be different, but I thought I mention that this is quite possible and fun.
Insurances do not bring safety, neither do phones. What is your body telling you?
Is it really right to pay for shelter, food, water and other basic human rights? How can we transition not only towards less dependency on money, but at the same time to a world which is more just and truly supports life? What is coming up inside you as you read this? What do you feel creates lasting joy in your life? Check out my blog post about living happily and freely without a phone if this interests you.
Work exchanges & volunteer positions – this has genuinely been a major part of my life from a very young age onward, but I have taken it to much greater depths and different frequencies in recent years. There are myriad possibilities for nourishing, non-monetary trades somewhere along the lines of working in exchange for food and a place to live. This can take on many forms and what is needed will come into your field by itself if this is part of who you are in these times.
Many people who are building new ways of being rooted in the right frequencies are naturally in trouble financially because money as we know it does not fit into that setting anymore. Hence these true pioneers are looking for other types of exchange. This is a great opportunity if you want to live, or travel outside the financial system. Supporting such projects and living non-monetarily at the same time can be an exhilarating experience. There are platforms such as Workaway which I have gained rich experiences with in eastern Europe in recent months, but honestly, this was the first time ever I have used any platform to establish a non-monetary exchange. Possibilities will come into your field quite spontaneously if this right for you.
The depth of reduced dependency on the financial system which comes with such exchanges depends on how hosts provide shelter and food. If both is acquired monetarily, then the exchange only creates an indirect dependency on the financial system, but not an independence from it – you are not spending money, but your needs are still taken care of based on monetary trade. If the food provided is grown on the host’s property, or sourced via non-monetary exchanges within local communities, and the accommodation is off the grid, or consists e.g. of natural materials such as clay, or wood freely available in the local area, then the exchange is more deeply rooted in a dissociation from the financial system. This is something to be aware of. You decide how deep you want to go.
Of course there is also potential for being exploited, or to meet a community which carries other types of abusive patterns. Some hosts ask for way too much, or too heavy work in exchange for very little, and are merely looking for cheap labour. If you find yourself in such a situation, then that does not necessarily mean something is out of alignment. It can be, but more likely it is an opportunity to speak up and leave behind a pattern or frequency vulnerability once and for all. Purification happens (on both sides) and such a situation will not come into your field again. This is nature at work. If abusive circumstances show up – anywhere in life – say ‘no’ clearly in whichever form this needs to take, and move on. Done.
Work exchanges can be long- or short-term. Some require more work hours, others less because someone just needs help with a very specific issue and small contributions time-wise make a big difference to their life. These are great possibilities for people who run other projects at the same time – I am currently in such an exchange while also working on the Sun Beings website and enjoying free time to explore – and are also great for families who need to dedicate time towards taking care of their children.
Building bill-free homes – this can be a great way of creating a life outside the financial system for people who have access to land. Cob houses, stone houses, earth bag houses and in some areas also wooden houses can be built literally from materials provided by nature in front of the door step. If additional items are needed these may be available through non-monetary exchanges, or by using waste materials left behind by other projects, or a local businesses. For example in Canada some people build their wood stoves from old oil drums which had been discarded all over the tundra. When living in Nova Scotia I built a shed from wooden pallets on which local businesses received there products. These pallets were often in new condition and would otherwise have been burned. Exchanges within the local community can be a wonderful way to form lasting bonds with people and to create mutually nourishing trades which do not require any money.
Wild camping, re-settling abandoned houses/villages and squatting – obviously inexpensive forms of shelter. Some people flourish in that type of lifestyle and are pushing forward much needed pioneer work around new ways of land management and community structures, but as with everything, it has to be right for you and in integrity with the underlying local cultural, natural tapestry of the region.
Wild camping can be an incredible experience – I have done it a lot, in various countries. I love choosing stunning nature places, waking up the next morning by a beautiful river, or lake, or in the forest, or on a mountain overlooking an ocean bay. Make sure your equipment is functional and suits the local weather conditions. While travelling, I have also arrived in new places – including cities – in the dark, tired, and then set out to search for a place to pitch my tent that would simply be safe for the night. So far it always worked out but this kind of travel (I was also hitchhiking) implies a lot of spontaneity, uncertainty and the dealing with different and ever-changing energies and frequencies. It can feel a bit hard emotionally and physically after a while. For me it was and is a big part of refusing to go along with basic human rights such as water, shelter and food being tied into the monetary system and hence available only to those who can afford them.
Squatting and the re-settling of abandoned houses or entire villages can be powerfully connected with projects and campaigns that take a stand towards securing various human and civil rights. An example is the ZAD (Zone à Défendre / Zone to Defend) of Notre Dame de Landes near Nantes in France – a wetland and farmland that was supposed to be turned into an airport; the defense was successful and was recently summarised and taken deeper in the book ‘We are ‘Nature’ defending itself: Entangling art, activism & autonomous zones’.
I have visited an occupied house/squat while travelling Spain. It was a deep experience. The community comprised several buildings and multiple caravans. My impression was that the young people who live there take good care of the place and have a genuine interest in forging new ways of managing land and living together. Some had necessary legal knowledge, others had building skills. The villagers had no issue with the squatters and it seemed to be a win-win situation such that houses which would otherwise be empty were used and maintained while young people, most of them artists, had a place to stay which did not require a lot of money. However, police interferes continuously. The occupants of one of the houses had already been forced to leave. The house was then locked and has been vacant ever since. The inhabitants of another house had just received a letter saying that they had to move out within two weeks, and the people I was staying with knew that they may receive such a letter any day. Here are young enthusiasts who have put a lot of effort into doing things differently, yet with integrity. Why is there no room for this way of living? When will more people recognise the coercion we are subject to if we go along with institutional systems – when do we begin to really stand up?
Questions such as “How do we want to deal with land?” are posing themselves in many communities and we need pioneers who carve out models, legally and practically. When did land become tied into the financial system? Have we been asked for consent? How do we want our communities to function? These questions urgently need to be addressed. Esp. in Spain many villages and small towns have been abandoned in the past and are now being re-settled. All kinds of community structures are formed and experimented with in the scope of that – a very, very fertile soil for pioneer work which may fit well with reducing dependency on money and banking.
Sharing homes – this can greatly reduce costs and – like any form of community – can be structured in myriad ways with lots of social interaction and joined decision-making, or clearly carved out individual spaces where people share a piece of land, a house, or an apartment but each have their own lives. I feel that many people have preconceived ideas about shared living – a certain picture in their head that clearly defines what community looks like. This can be very limiting and may lead to the disregard of great opportunities for true exchange, collaboration and sharing. The new frequencies are not tied to any type of box. Community can be anything we want it to be. The most important thing is to be clear about what you do and do not want and to communicate that at the right time, typically before joining, or in case of a newly developing community at the time when the overall structure is discussed.
More – also check out the ‘house-sitting’ paragraph in the ‘Travel’ section further down.
Foraging – is a way to at least complement one’s diet anywhere in the world. This is food which has grown in real soil, in a natural environment; it is fresh and actually contains nutrients contrary to almost any supermarket food. I am a passionate forager. Collecting edibles in nature is so much more than a way of reducing dependency on money. Taking an hour to collect wild foods can reset my system, is grounding, nourishing and a wonderful engagement with my surroundings. I connect with the land and its beings, meet local animals and people, and create a feeling of sovereignty for myself that is deeply empowering.
Getting started is simple in most places in the world. Get hold of a local foraging guide and start reading and exploring what grows in your area. Join a local group of foragers, or take a foraging walk, or otherwise guided tour. These things are available almost anywhere these days and are growing like mushrooms on a rainy summer day. Of course there are ways of collecting edible foods which ensure integrity and mutuality, and it is important to get a sense for what this means. Take a look at the Foraging & farming page of this website for ideas, info and a deeper connection with receiving your food from the land that surrounds you. This page is also very relevant for:
Growing your own food – in your backyard, community garden, your kid’s school yard, or anywhere across town if you live in an urban area. It is a great way not only of reducing dependency on money and banking in a very palpable way, but also for creating self-sufficiency and local resiliency. The Food is Free Project is very inspiring and shows how taking initiative even based on scrap materials and small growing spaces can change entire communities. It started with a single garden in Austin, Texas, which prompted people down the entire street to turn their front yards into growing spaces, and has now become a worldwide movement and supportive community. It started with a drop and turned into a waterfall that is nourishing thousands of people.
Local exchange & non-monetary markets – maybe you don’t have the time, space, interest or knowhow to grow your own food but you have something to offer that can be exchanged for food. Perhaps you even feel called to starting a non-monetary market where you live. Invite people to come together once per week, or month and negotiate trades of all kinds of different things. This can also include services, herbal medicines, tools, building materials etc. Possibilities are endless. If this piques your interest, take a look at the interview with Agnès Le Moigne which is part of our conversation series on reducing dependency on money and banking.
Using local springs – Are there springs or wells in your vicinity which provide free, drinkable water? Can you collect rain water? If so, is that what you are choosing? Most tap water is loaded with chemicals and toxins these days, and often only available in exchange for money.
Natural bodies of water – I often drink out of rivers, creeks, or lakes since many years, and prefer them over tap water for bathing, laundry, dish-washing etc. (with fully natural cleaning methods). I have lived on sailboats for long periods of time, entirely off-grid, using salt water for everything except drinking. My system is used to it. If the water is clean, there is nothing better. It is an experience of great joy. If it is slightly contaminated, then certain forms of frequency conversion and purification can happen which are mutually beneficial, if this is in alignment with who you are. Of course there are also different types of filters available – portable ones and installed ones.
Being in the body, not the head in these crazy times – I have drunk water with heavy loads of chemicals and god knows what in it because this was part of my path. It was OK. I need a lot of water and giving money in exchange for something which is a most basic human right is not in integrity for me. So sometimes I find myself in situations where I knowingly drink bad water. Again, don’t try and figure it out in your head. Obviously drinking contaminated water is usually a bad idea and doing so for the mere reason of aggressively rejecting to pay money when this is not in alignment is absolutely not what reducing dependency on money means. It will create adverse effects which can be very serious and long-lasting. I am only sharing this to illustrate further how mind-driven ways of living no longer work. What is detrimental for one person can be fully in alignment for another.
Supporting drinkable water projects – If you genuinely support projects which aim to clean natural bodies of water, or provide natural drinking water to communities who struggle with water scarcity, the right water source which is natural and freely available may show up in your life if you have not found it yet. So is the magic of nature… Such support can take on many forms. It need not be monetary.
Hiking, kayaking, bicycling – these are obvious free or inexpensive means of travel, and a lot of people choose them these days. Living at a remote hostel in Ireland, I regularly meet folks of all ages who travel the entire European continent by bicycle, not to talk about exploring local areas. It means being outside, exercising, meeting like-minded beings, and getting around all at the same time. Many of these people carry a tent (so do I, always). Camping is great fun and a true nature experience. Back to basics for a while. What an internal reset.
Opportunism – carpool, or catch a ride with a friend when available, and simply travel in this more laid-back way. This may not be entirely non-monetary but when costs are reduced for both the driver and you, then there is a win-win situation. If this is part of your path and you make a clear decision to go with that, then opportunities will show up, and if they don’t, then that was not where you should be going, or the timing was not right. If you live in alignment with nature’s intelligence, in mutuality, integrity, deeply rooted in who you are, you can absolutely trust these principles.
Hitch-hiking – only choose it if it is in alignment for you. It can be very dangerous esp. for women. If you are trying to force yourself to not spend any money on travel and choose to hitchhike based on that mental thought, things can quickly go terribly wrong. If it is right for you, it can also be magic. Many drivers are simply looking for companionship, esp. for long distances, or genuinely want to help by offering a ride. I just gained my first hitchhiking experiences in Ireland and am thoroughly enjoying the rides. It is a way to meet local people. Half the time I am picked up by elderlies in their 70s or 80s who live alone. Every one of them has told me how much they appreciate the company and enjoy having someone to talk to. Sometimes I get a hug in the end of our joined ride. A mutually enriching experience of great value.
Paragliding – now we are really outside the box. Did you know there are people who cross borders by paragliding? Watch this: Isn’t that fine life! There are entire communities around this way of travel – cross-country paragliding – all across the planet. Some hardly spend any money once they have the equipment, and if this is right for you in combination with reducing dependency on money, then the equipment will simply show up too. There are endless possibilities. Are you getting a sense of that?
Converted cars/motorbikes – there is quite a bit of information, guides and do-it-yourself kits out there for converting cars and motorbikes into water-driven vehicles instead of running them on fossil fuels. It certainly reduces costs and has many more benefits. Apparently the conversion can be quite simple. Take a look at Genepax on the Technologies of abundance page, if this interests you. Be discerning with your research and aware that there are also fake videos and information about this topic on the internet which don’t work.
Crewing on sailboats – if you are adventurous and like water, and esp. if you like to gain some sailing experience, then crewing on a sailboat is a wonderful means of getting from A to B in exchange for some boat work, cooking etc. There are various platforms out there through which boat owners search for crew and vice versa. You will find what is right for you. It can be an incredible experience. Sharing such a small space far from any shores can also be a nightmare. Make sure you get a good sense for the people and the boat you are joining before untying any lines.
‘BeWelcome’ and the like – there is a variety of platforms on which hosts offer a room, a bed, or a couch in their home to travellers simply because they enjoy having company. BeWelcome is one of them but there are many more. This is a great way to meet local people, have cultural exchange experiences and add to the lives of those who invite you by sharing stories, offering some food, helping out with a project they may be involved with, or lending an ear if someone is in a difficult situation. The currents of life always flow both ways when there is alignment, without any need for money to be involved. Simple things like a good conversation mean the world to many people.
House-sitting / house-swapping – house-sitting can be a wonderful way either of experiencing different places in your local region, or for travel. When I was living in Newfoundland my first house-sit unfolded simply because a good friend who had a cat wanted to travel for a while. Someone had to stay at her home to take care of plants, the cat etc. and she asked me if I wanted to be this person. It went really well and since people talk to each other I was soon offered another longer-term house-sit by a friend of that friend, and then another one, without having to get onto any platform. At the same time I got to live in different neighbourhoods which I greatly enjoyed. That was local house-sitting. There are also online platforms through which hosts can meet people interested in house and/or animal-sitting and once you have a couple of good reviews it can quickly become a way of travel by which you don’t have to spend any money on accommodation. The same is true for house-swapping, however you obviously have to own a house first to be able to travel in this way.
You have to decide what is right for you. For me it is a free Mailfence email account, a domain-specific email account that came freely with creating this website and which I only need to send our newsletters in such a way that they end up in your inbox and not your spam folder. Besides that I have Twinkle voice over internet (came with my Purism laptop), and yes – a free zoom account. I have not found a proper replacement for that yet.
Phones have become a menace due to the agendas of mind- and emotional control deeply linked to that technology, not to talk about the effects of EMF radiation, data abuse/surveillance etc. Plus they create bills. Necessary? Until very recently everyone has lived without smartphones. I grew up with one public phone per block of apartment buildings, not even a landline. I am 41 years old now and can’t believe how dependent most people have become on technology in such a short period of time. Why are social media platforms, or apps like Whatsapp free? Are they free? Free of monetary charge maybe, but certainly not rooted in the principles of gift economies…
Health care
What do you want health care to look like? There is a need to increase access to quality medicinal care which creates true equity and acknowledges health as a basic human right. Communities are forming around this way of understanding life, mutuality and care, but what is your role in this unfolding? Are you supporting what you feel is in integrity? May you feel called to take a role in building a new high-frequency health care infrastructure? Here is one wonderful project which you can also find on the Health & body care page of the Sun Beings website: the Herbalista Free Clinic & School. Are you choosing health practitioners who offer their services by donation, or sliding scale, who focus on justice and healthy forms of care?
Personally I have not seen a conventional health care practitioner in > 15 years. There was no need and I have never felt comfortable with that system, so why support it? Non-monetary trades and exchanges have been a great part of my life in this area too. Examples include a massage for a massage, health consultation in exchange for a massage, work in the herbal garden in exchange for natural medicines, a foraging tour in the local forest in exchange for a breath work session etc. Again, possibilities are endless and many people are craving mutual care which is not rooted in money. Isn’t it scary when only those who fit into the financial system have access to medicinal support?
New currencies
What a topic. I think there is great potential here in the future with regards to some areas of life where monetary exchange is much easier compared to other forms of trade. Take a look at the Economies of care page for some high-frequency cryptocurrency projects esp. the two developing French currencies JEU – Jardin d’Echange Universel and La June G1. Here we see entirely new ways of creating, managing and using money, completely independent from the old banking system. This is exciting!
Cheap countries & non-monetary communities
Don’t make the mistake to try and cover your needs by moving to less expensive countries, or by seeking communities which live non-monetarily unless you feel that this is truly your path. For very few people it is. Moneyless communities are still very rare unless you look at the global community of those who chose to build entirely new trails in these realms. We are all connected and working together, but at the local level many of these alternative communities do not yet operate in alignment with nature’s principles but are rooted in philosophical ideas, fear, escapism etc., and many of them are still using money in more hidden ways which can create great imbalance.
I have just been to a country in which many people chose to find or create a new home because it’s cheap – Bulgaria. Things are changing quickly and there is no stability whatsoever to any nation-based financial patterns. Money should never be the primary reason for a decision. If it is, then that decision is wholly rooted in dependency on the financial system. You cannot become independent from money if you make decisions out of concerns about money. It’s a catch 22. Instead you make a clear decision to free yourself and find true abundance, and then you follow the signals of your whole being – the signals which are arising from the inside out, spontaneously. I wrote a blog post about spontaneity some time ago. Check it out if you would like to read more. The steps that need to be taken often make logical sense only in hindsight. You cannot figure it out in your head.
There are of course indigenous communities and peoples which operate entirely without money but these are completely different cultures and most of these peoples are unfortunately encroached upon heavily by those who are trying to uphold old systems of suppression and coercion, and are fighting for their survival. I feel drawn to mentioning that Survival International does an amazing job at supporting these peoples across the planet.
Further reading
Gift economies
Nature is rooted in gifting and does not ask for return, yet demands integrity. Return happens naturally and with perfect timing when we are embodying the underlying intelligence of this universe. This is where our future lies. Check out the Economies of care page for more info about this topic and concrete ways in which new forms of exchange which are rooted in the right values are unfolding at the physical level.
On our blog you can find several posts about gift economies, true community and what it means to radically be oneself, embodying nature and nothing else.
More coming…
I will keep building this guide and will let you know in the newsletter about additions. Feel free to send suggestions and feedback.
A poem for you
The beauty of these times
A light so bright
No description is right.
Water so deep,
How many secrets may it keep?
Silence so loud while storms are thrashing about.
It’s hard to not be thrown around.
Movements so strong
That at times I wonder where I belong.
Thousands of worlds
With their passions, riddles and swirls.
Yet the core is always the same,
Like a rock, so strong, so tame – no name.
Moving with an ease that encompasses it all.
Never-ending peace floating through the oak so tall.
While bombs of change are going off
Inside, outside – orientation can be tough.
I neither hide nor do I decide
Just race along with what I know is right.
Answers simply appear
To questions I never knew were here.
It’s so simple – no need to fear,
Up and up another gear..
Beautiful being I hold you dear.
Thank you all for being here.
A light so bright
No description is right.
Water so deep,
How many secrets may it keep?
Silence so loud while storms are thrashing about.
It’s hard to not be thrown around.
Movements so strong
That at times I wonder where I belong.
Thousands of worlds
With their passions, riddles and swirls.
Yet the core is always the same,
Like a rock, so strong, so tame – no name.
Moving with an ease that encompasses it all.
Never-ending peace floating through the oak so tall.
While bombs of change are going off
Inside, outside – orientation can be tough.
I neither hide nor do I decide
Just race along with what I know is right.
Answers simply appear
To questions I never knew were here.
It’s so simple – no need to fear,
Up and up another gear..
Beautiful being I hold you dear.
Thank you all for being here.