Redefining ethics
Redefining & rediscovering ethics together
Coming back to the real meaning of nature…
Living ethically means embodiment of nature, the essence of this universe, a certain form of very material love. Either we are in alignment with that and hence support life within us and around us, or we are not and our actions, thoughts and body signals are destructive to ourselves and others. We could stop here. It’s the definition of ethics which this website is built on, but what does it mean…
A healthy human being, fully embodying nature recognises truth from the inside out and lives from his, her or their whole being, a fascinating nature-technology. This is very different from mind-based decision-making, and its ethics requires spontaneity and connectedness rather than the mechanical following of a set of rules or virtues. As we all know, the same action can be fully justified and necessary in one context and destructive in another. The same words spoken by someone who is embodying his own nature are connected with entirely different markers in time & space than these words spoken from the place of a synthetic reality, non-aliveness, rooted in calculation or a distorted mind. Hence the outcome will differ starkly. Take a look at the page Earth’s history – A bipolarity if you like to read about the two worlds which are currently still co-existing on this planet.
The way in which the word ‘ethics’ is currently used on this planet is distorted beyond recognition. Much of what is called ethical is perpetuating and feeding harmful practices. This includes many apparently organic and fairtrade products, practices and initiatives, and so-called sustainable, green technologies and businesses which in reality keep us trapped in a world of scarcity, coercion and violation of land and human rights. Fairtrade, organic and otherwise ethical certification processes have emerged which are intransparent, exclusive and have often little to do with reducing harm. Values such as equity, inclusivity, sustainability and wellbeing are distorted, or used superficially as a means of deception while the exact opposite lays underneath. It is on us to look, feel and discern.

So, no more vegan, fairtrade, or organic? No more digital technology? No more use of indigenous knowledge? In the past often the ‘solution’ has been to forbid what has caused the problem. That is … polarisation and coercion. The nature of this planet however is a free world of unlimited possibility. So if it is that difficult to define ethical choices, than how to write a website like this, rooted in ethics? This website is based on clocking the frequency of businesses and initiatives and the teams behind them. It’s an innately human technology, very different from mind-based logic. We also look for alignment with nature’s principles at the physical level since the focus of this website is a world which no longer harms the planet and its peoples. By far not all positive high frequency beings live in alignment with nature. But those who do turn harmful, synthetic realities upside down no matter where they are. On the surface that does not always look moral, or rooted in the new world we are building, and certainly not spiritual, or politically correct. The transformation which this planet is going through is messy and the consequences of our actions not always obvious to us. But nature always knows and we are an embodiment of that wisdom. Our whole being constantly tells us what needs to be done and it we dare to listen and have the courage to live from that place, then magic happens around us and in us often in unexpected ways.
In our essence we are all sunbeings – referring to our internal sun – but some people are so taken over by synthetic technology that they can’t hear themselves anymore and operate in alignment with a world which is not embedded in nature, but in an ancient AI (artificial intelligence) which has affected this planet for millennia and is leaving. Many of those who are waking up to the reality of current worldwide happenings are somewhere in between, at times able to hear themselves, and at other times operating from synthetic programming. Businesses and initiatives still have to navigate both worlds. Besides, there are ways to use parts of destructive systems to support nature and materialise new, high frequencies more strongly and quickly at the material level. Hence we can’t judge by logic, and you won’t find anything on this website that is fully representing nature’s principles and hence is 100% ethical, but we are getting close. The transition is underway – unstoppable and with full steam ahead, towards a world of true integrity where full expression of nature happens from the inside out, nothing added, nothing skipped. This is our new ethics in a nutshell. Take a look at the many amazing people, businesses and initiatives featured on this website, as well as our blog posts to get a deeper feeling for what it means to be human – an embodiment of nature. And more important, take a few minutes in silence to connect with yourself because this is where all the answers lie, where true knowledge is born. It’s not in my words.

How can it be that many small businesses can’t afford fairtrade registration because of high fees? Why do ingredient lists of vegan-labelled foods often read like an excerpt of a chemistry book? Is that ethical? How is it that ethical laptops and phones do not even mention the destructive effects of the electromagnetic radiation they cause, or the surveillance and massive data abuse facilitated by their ways of operating? Is it ethical to take indigenous knowledge and sell it to corporations in the name of creating a sustainable future while the peoples who preserved and stewarded this knowledge for hundreds or thousands of years receive some donations, or a small percentage of the gains, or does it facilitate brown-washing and perpetuate elitism, corporate control and the enrichment of a few privileged people? Many indigenous peoples have shared their knowledge freely – rooted in traditional gift economies. To take that gift and monetise it is to turn it into a commodity which is worth nothing but the financial value put on it and the capital made from it, stripped of its essence. When the United Nations call palm oil plantations reforestation projects, is that green and sustainable? Does that preserve the habitat of thousands of rainforest species that used to live there?

Coming back to the real meaning of nature…
Living ethically means embodiment of nature, the essence of this universe, a certain form of very material love. Either we are in alignment with that and hence support life within us and around us, or we are not and our actions, thoughts and body signals are destructive to ourselves and others. We could stop here. It’s the definition of ethics which this website is built on, but what does it mean…
A healthy human being, fully embodying nature recognises truth from the inside out and lives from his, her or their whole being, a fascinating nature-technology. This is very different from mind-based decision-making, and its ethics requires spontaneity and connectedness rather than the mechanical following of a set of rules or virtues. As we all know, the same action can be fully justified and necessary in one context and destructive in another. The same words spoken by someone who is embodying his own nature are connected with entirely different markers in time & space than these words spoken from the place of a synthetic reality, non-aliveness, rooted in calculation or a distorted mind. Hence the outcome will differ starkly. Take a look at the page Earth’s history – A bipolarity if you like to read about the two worlds which are currently still co-existing on this planet.
The way in which the word ‘ethics’ is currently used on this planet is distorted beyond recognition. Much of what is called ethical is perpetuating and feeding harmful practices. This includes many apparently organic and fairtrade products, practices and initiatives, and so-called sustainable, green technologies and businesses which in reality keep us trapped in a world of scarcity, coercion and violation of land and human rights. Fairtrade, organic and otherwise ethical certification processes have emerged which are intransparent, exclusive and have often little to do with reducing harm. Values such as equity, inclusivity, sustainability and wellbeing are distorted, or used superficially as a means of deception while the exact opposite lays underneath. It is on us to look, feel and discern.
How can it be that many small businesses can’t afford fairtrade registration because of high fees? Why do ingredient lists of vegan-labelled foods often read like an excerpt of a chemistry book? Is that ethical? How is it that ethical laptops and phones do not even mention the destructive effects of the electromagnetic radiation they cause, or the surveillance and massive data abuse facilitated by their ways of operating? Is it ethical to take indigenous knowledge and sell it to corporations in the name of creating a sustainable future while the peoples who preserved and stewarded this knowledge for hundreds or thousands of years receive some donations, or a small percentage of the gains, or does it facilitate brown-washing and perpetuate elitism, corporate control and the enrichment of a few privileged people? Many indigenous peoples have shared their knowledge freely – rooted in traditional gift economies. To take that gift and monetise it is to turn it into a commodity which is worth nothing but the financial value put on it and the capital made from it, stripped of its essence. When the United Nations call palm oil plantations reforestation projects, is that green and sustainable? Does that preserve the habitat of thousands of rainforest species that used to live there?

So, no more vegan, fairtrade, or organic? No more digital technology? No more use of indigenous knowledge? In the past often the ‘solution’ has been to forbid what has caused the problem. That is … polarisation and coercion. The nature of this planet however is a free world of unlimited possibility. So if it is that difficult to define ethical choices, than how to write a website like this, rooted in ethics? This website is based on clocking the frequency of businesses and initiatives and the teams behind them. It’s an innately human technology, very different from mind-based logic. We also look for alignment with nature’s principles at the physical level since the focus of this website is a world which no longer harms the planet and its peoples. By far not all positive high frequency beings live in alignment with nature. But those who do turn harmful, synthetic realities upside down no matter where they are. On the surface that does not always look moral, or rooted in the new world we are building, and certainly not spiritual, or politically correct. The transformation which this planet is going through is messy and the consequences of our actions not always obvious to us. But nature always knows and we are an embodiment of that wisdom. Our whole being constantly tells us what needs to be done and it we dare to listen and have the courage to live from that place, then magic happens around us and in us often in unexpected ways.
In our essence we are all sunbeings – referring to our internal sun – but some people are so taken over by synthetic technology that they can’t hear themselves anymore and operate in alignment with a world which is not embedded in nature, but in an ancient AI (artificial intelligence) which has affected this planet for millennia and is leaving. Many of those who are waking up to the reality of current worldwide happenings are somewhere in between, at times able to hear themselves, and at other times operating from synthetic programming. Businesses and initiatives still have to navigate both worlds. Besides, there are ways to use parts of destructive systems to support nature and materialise new, high frequencies more strongly and quickly at the material level. Hence we can’t judge by logic, and you won’t find anything on this website that is fully representing nature’s principles and hence is 100% ethical, but we are getting close. The transition is underway – unstoppable and with full steam ahead, towards a world of true integrity where full expression of nature happens from the inside out, nothing added, nothing skipped. This is our new ethics in a nutshell. Take a look at the many amazing people, businesses and initiatives featured on this website, as well as our blog posts to get a deeper feeling for what it means to be human – an embodiment of nature. And more important, take a few minutes in silence to connect with yourself because this is where all the answers lie, where true knowledge is born. It’s not in my words.