Sharing our world – Deepening connections
What is community to us? How does fit into it? Why is there such a menu and an ongoing emphasis on community but no social media platform of any type through which we can engage with one another? How are we in community and changing this world together?
What is the community?
I realised that many people associate online community with a very specific definition usually involving some sort of platform which resembles social media, and through which direct verbal communication and exchange can take place. However, community whether local, or online can take on many shapes and forms and the community does not follow any (stereo)typical model. While you are most welcome to comment on blog posts, or contact us the website is not connected to any social media platform – private or fully open, ethical, or not. Our community is quite different.
While I deeply sense the connectedness of all those who use this website, read parts of it, or actively contribute to it, I feel that my perception of community is not necessarily clear to you, or felt by you in the same way. Hence let me explain. There are many levels of connectedness which simply emerge from the web of life as a consequence of our choices and lifestyles. Firstly all living beings are connected to the same underlying intelligence that regulates life on this planet, or rather that is life on this planet. Then as humans we are connected at a deeper level because we belong to what we typically call the same species (even though there are many types of human beings which function differently at a very physical level). That connectedness deepens the more we share in the world of form.
If you read a book that I have read too, then we have a connection through that shared experience. It you live in the same country as I do, or enjoy hitchhiking like I do, then these commonalities deepen our connectedness in a very palpable and physical way. If you eat the foods that I also eat, live in the type of shelter that I live in, buy from the companies I buy from etc., then all these things deepen our connection. Together we create pathways, we may come into each others energetic fields even though we have never met; we influence each others decisions without mental awareness of it. This hints to the deep limitations related to living from the head rather than from our whole being. The head tends to get in the way because it insists that we make decisions based on the facts of which we are mentally aware – a very small fraction of our reality.
The community is united through the shared engagement with this website. Some of you know each other in person, many have never met, or heard of one another. In many ways we “speak” to each other without words. This is not a new age thing. It is rooted in a very physical form of connectedness linked to our internal waters, the sound and light signals we produce and our electromagnetic fields which are connected with one another, that of Earth…. It gets very technical and I am not an expert in the physics behind this connectedness. However if you are curious you can research this topic and will find related scientific articles. My personal experience involves the deep sensing of the community in a very palpable way. I pick up on struggles that people have with the website, joy, hope and relief that is experienced while engaging with it, the need that you may feel for clarifications and additions etc.
This is a glimpse into what makes us a community and why there is a ‘Community’ menu that acknowledges different aspects of our connectedness, and the ways in which we can engage with each other at deeper levels, including the personal one. Several people have suggested that we create some sort of online platform through which we can directly communicate with one another, and Kate and I have considered this possibility. However it is becoming increasingly clear to me that the connection we already have is much more powerful and it is one we can sense just as strongly as a verbal one if we operate from our body technology rather than the mind. Based on my observations verbal communication often quickly becomes highly mental, or emotional. Neither of the two reflect what and who we are. If instead we focus on moving together as a team, as a community, rooted into our whole being then we empower each other so much more than we would through verbal exchange. We hope you enjoy this way of being in community and, of course don’t hesitate to contact us, share a story etc.